Wednesday, January 4, 2017

[KY]Constitutional Carry 2017

For those of you who do not know about the KC3 here in Kentucky they have been activity pushing and 'designing' a new bill that was introduced to the state senate yesterday. If you are not aware of KC3 and you live in KY do some home work now. They are the backbones to our rights as carriers in our state. They fight state, city and private who violate the existing laws and keep us going.You can read more information about the bill hereand you can view the non-offical offical propsed bill here PDF WARNINGYou can track the status of the bill HereLast year it was a late start for us when this one went in this year it has been heavily modified down to 5-6 pages and keeps all existing conceal carrying boundaries.A snippet from the post over on OCIt will bear no resemblance to last years terrible 37 page bill.It will be short. 5 full pages and a short paragraph on the 6th page.Most of the 5 pages is just restating of existing law without any changes or in some cases minor changes to remove references to "licenses" or "permits".The "meat" of the bill, the part that makes it legal to carry concealed without a license, comes in one paragraph, the second paragraph of the bill and only takes up one sentence.Places where you can not carry a concealed weapon are exactly the same, word for word, as in the licensing law.Ability of private property owners to restrict unlicensed concealed carry is exactly the same as in the licensing statute, word for word.Ability of colleges and universities to control weapons is exactly the same as the existing law.Authority of cities and counties to prohibit unlicensed concealed carry is the same as their authority to prohibit licensed concealed carry.There is no change to the existing licensing system.(It is not even mentioned in this bill.) Those that want to get a license can still do so and it will still be useful for travel outside Ky. and as an exemption to the NIC background check.For those who remember the previous last years bill added restrictions on carriers and added new regulation on private property owners to prohibit carrying etc.I also believe this bill has very high hopes in passing. via /r/CCW

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