Saturday, January 28, 2017

First Encounter With Law Enforcement Officer

Today started as a pretty relaxed day, a couple Netflix documentaries and some venison chili from the night before. As dinner rolled around I decided I'd go grab some Chinese take out. I live in a pretty small farm town in Michigan so the drive was about 20 minutes or so. I called and placed an order on the way. As I left the house there were some light snow flurries (nothing major or unusual here in Michigan) I picked up my Chinese and decided since I had all ready made the drive into the nearest "city" I'd stop and pick up some groceries. When I got to the store there was a thin layer of fresh snow on the ground (again nothing unusual). As I left the store maybe a half hour or so after arriving the roads had turned into a sheet of ice presumably from warm temperatures this last week and fresh snow at night fall as temperatures dropped. So I headed home with caution. Just about a half mile from home a car infront of me was turning left. As they started the turn I noticed they had some pretty good under-steer (when you turn the wheel but the car goes straight do to a lack of traction) and were not going to make the turn. The car jumped a curb and struck a tree. I pulled into the next driveway and told my family to call 911. I ran through the lawn of the house I pulled into and immediately checked the condition of the driver and her daughter. By the grace of God they were both fine just a little shaken up. I informed them that there was help on the way and we'd get them pulled out so just sit tight. After about 10 minutes the sheriffs department showed up. The officer exited his vehicle I was sure to keep my hands out of my pockets and clearly visible. He asked "Is everyone ok?" I said "They're fine just a little shaken, I do want to tell you I am licensed to carry and am currently carrying." He said and I quote "Ok" he then walked over to their vehicle and checked on them. He asked if they would like to file a report for insurance purposes. They did he then held traffic as I pulled them out and sent them on their way. He thanked me for the help as it kept him from waiting on a wrecker and holding traffic longer.TL;DR: Stopped to help someone in a car accident, police arrived, I informed him I was carrying and he said "Ok"The goods: I was carrying a Glock 43 at about 4 O'clock with Winchester Defend 147gr in the pipe snuggled up in a Sticky Holster MD-4Edit: Spelling and grammar via /r/CCW

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