Monday, January 30, 2017

First LE Encounter is smooth thanks to r/CCW

This weekend I had my first encounter with a LEO while carrying. I was pulled over in a small town in central WI. I had apparently rolled a stop sign. After I was asked for DL and insurance, all the previous posts here flashed in my head about how to handle the situation. I told the officer that for his safety and mine, I was licensed to CCW and I was carrying today. He seemed a bit taken back at first, then asked if I minded if he took it while we talked. I agreed. After he had removed my Shield (was thankfully in my inner coat pocket at the time, so it wasn't awkward for him to do so) he asked if I minded showing him my CCW license. After seeing that he went back to the squad, then returned with a warning for rolling the stop sign. He looked around the car as if figuring out how to return my weapon, then asked if he could place it (contained in my pocket holster) back in my coat. After that, he thanked me for letting him know about it and mentioned that most people don't say anything. I have a feeling it led to me getting just a warning instead of a ticket as the city is known for handing them out for minor incidents. It went better than I expected. Afterwards, I realized my approach was crafted 100% from stories here. So thank you all who have shared! via /r/CCW

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