Sunday, January 29, 2017

So what am I supposed to say to the operator?

Okay, so let's say I shot the SOB that tried to rob me at gunpoint, i used my gun, shot him, and he's either dead, dying, or badly injured to where he's no threat. Great! Now I obviously got to call the police, but what the hell am I supposed to say to the operator!? I recall in my CHL class AND in this video: you should never talk to the police and to just say "I wish to remain silent at this time and speak to my lawyer and/or [insert family member, friend, etc. here]." and just to repeat that until you speak with your lawyer or other guidance member. Basically, don't talk to the police to not incriminate yourself.But what the hell am I supposed to say to the operator when I just shot the robber!? If I tell the operator I just shot the guy, well now that's evidence against myself that I had to shoot him. I don't want to say I killed him because then it confirms that I used deadly force and blah, blah, blah. What am I supposed to say to the operator when I use my gun to defend myself without giving away too much information that could lead to my incrimination while also allowing the police/operator to know what's going on.Once the police arrives, what should I say? Should I say anything? via /r/CCW

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