Monday, January 2, 2017

How do you guys stay in condition green?

Keep your head on a swivel. Look over your shoulder. Do a 360.For those that have taken a conceal carry class you probably heard your instructor say these things. My instructor said there are 4 conditions of awareness. Your instructor may have used different colors.White - Completely unaware of your surroundings. Ex: you're typing that work email on your phone while sipping on your starbucks.Green - You're looking around, taking notes of the people, doors, and what's going around you. Ex: You notice a car pulled into the pump in front of your car at the gas station and 2 men get out.Yellow - Shit is going down and you're focused in on it in case something happens. Ex: At a gas station there is a heated argument between 2 people in between you and your vehicle. Being the wise ccw'r you are you decide to wait in the store until the argument is over because there is no way to your vehicle without getting to close.Red - Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Something happened and you need to react whether that is call 911, draw, something. Ex: That gas station argument turned into a fight and one of them drew a gun and shot the other. Do you call 911, do you have someone else do it? What happens if he comes into the store?We want to live in condition green, always aware of our surroundings, but it is very easy to slip into condition white. What tactical tips do you guys have for staying condition green?Edit: It's white, yellow, orange, red from Jeff Cooper. I guess my instructor went off a traffic light for colors via /r/CCW

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