Thursday, May 11, 2023

Road Rage, but funny ending.

My morning commute takes me through a number of small New England towns via back roads. It's scenic, but the kind of places where police will gladly hand out a ticket for minor stuff. So I stick to the speed limit and obey all stop signs etc. Well, the other day a pickup truck gets behind me and dude is apparently late for something, because he is riding my bumper like nobody's business. He was clearly getting frustrated with my driving style- he's right back on me after every stop sign. Normally I'd pull over to let him pass, but between traffic and narrow roads, it's not happening today. Finally I make my turn and figure I'm done with him, but as I make the turn into my destination, I see he's followed me. He has decided to make this a thing. Here's where it gets funny. On this particular day, I had decided to take some me-time and my destination was not the office, but a nearby indoor gun range. I pulled into the parking lot and got to watch TruckyMcTruckFace do the slow roll past the very prominent range sign. He then did a quick u-turn in the parking lot across the street and took off back the way he came. Gave him a little "tootles" wave as he went past. via /r/CCW

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