Friday, May 12, 2023

Atlanta Traffic Stop as minority(black/immigrant) while CCW

I saw a post here sharing their experience with being pulled over while carrying, so I thought I'd share too! The other night, I was pulled over at around 2am with a buddy in the car, taking a break from studying. We are two immigrant students, where he is from Kazakhstan and I am black and Japanese. We are obviously not white. The area I am in, Gwinett county, can sometimes me unfriendly so I am extremely nerveous. A short ending to this dragged out introduction, I greet him, and hand him my license and permit. He asks where the firearm is,(appendix) asked me to refrain from reaching towards it, and allowed me to step out of the car. He did not check or anything(which made me a little nerveous). He was showing me that my headlights were out, and had me back on my way in matter of seconds. Obviously, a black man in the U.S. is a little wary of cops, but I was delightfully surprised with an overwhelmingly positive interaction. Perhaps I got lucky. via /r/CCW

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