Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Getting kind of specific there Reddit…

https://ift.tt/3BtruUP via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2V7MaCq

Are you vulnerable standing straight up ?

I think of this more during a verbal confrontation leading up to a fight. Usually both people have no guard up, no knees bent, and are standing straight up in each others grill. I feel like it's easy for someone to land a shot and you're just in a bad position to defend. Its probably best to have your guard up but that might provoke the other person that you're ready to fight.

There is a sense of being off balanced and that I'm an easy target if I'm just standing straight up. Whereas if I have my knees bent I at least feel more in control and ready. I just want clarity on this. I feel like I know what I'm talking about but I don't at the same time.

Submitted September 01, 2021 at 01:34AM by spankyourkopita https://ift.tt/3gP8Y1t

AIWB printing

I have a Hellcat and just got my permit in NY last week. I have a minituck holster from Crossbread which I like a lot and wear it on my strong side hip. I’ve always wanted to appendix as I’m in decent shape and feel it’s easier to access my firearm from there. I got a kydex holster for appendix but I’m printing more specifically the shirt “lays” across the handle. Anything I can do to avoid this? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3jxWBbD

Caddo Parrish, Louisiana - 124 Days

https://ift.tt/3yyVwF1 via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/38qDDgZ

Going out of town for CDL training and I want to carry but worried of printing and such

Hello, I'm going out of town for a month and the hotel I'm staying at seems a little sketch but I have no say since it's being paid by the trucking company that sponsored my CDL schooling.Concealing in the hotel is not a problem. Concealing during the school/driving is what worries me since I can't find any policy in place from the school allowing conceal carry or not. I'm also a little worried about printing or my shirt/windbreaker coming up when I get on/off the truck since you reach up. I don't want to leave my firearm in the hotel or car since it can be stolen.Should I give them a call and ask if they have any policies in place for conceal carrying? What can help me conceal better? I try to have a windbreaker/jacket but it gets really hot in Texas so I look out of place wearing one. (I carry AIWB) via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2YdZeHA

Mecklenburg Co., - 213 years

https://ift.tt/3zMqFWZ via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2Y3uskr

Avoiding potential conflicts

At the store yesterday, while getting ready to get out of my car, another car pulled in and parked. I noticed odd behavior from the three passengers so I waited and watched. Definitely sketchy looking, signs of drug use, and I was pretty sure they were up to something. So I just waited in my car until they came back out. I’m pretty sure they were shoplifting, but even so, didn’t want to be inside should the store confront them and shit start to go down.This is the first time I’ve had a situation like this in the 5 years I’ve been carrying. Am I overreacting? Would you have just gone in anyway? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zzuMp8

[PA] 30 minutes

https://ift.tt/3t2cNFb via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3kCQsKQ

Takeaways from my Red Dot class

I’ve been friends with a couple firearms instructors so over the years I’ve done tons of 1-on-1 training but have somehow never taken classes with others before. This last weekend I took a Red Dot class, giving me the strange experience of taking my first class as a semi-experienced shooter.TAKEAWAY 1: Gucci doesn’t always mean greaterI’m sure like a lot of you, I love great gear and changing out parts. I’ve got “gucci gats” and have more planned/in progress; however, I took this class with a mostly stock Glock 19.3 with Holosun 407C (has slide milled and extended mag/slide release, but otherwise stock).Without giving too much away, the instructor wasn’t an average cop giving basic pistol at the local range; he's got some serious credentials. He was personally running a Sig 320 with a Holosun 509T and had an issued Sig with an RMR. He said he trusted both optics equally. Do we really need a duty ready optic? Are you on duty? What conditions are you ACTUALLY putting your firearms through? Some of the actual operators are running things we scoff at.The others in the class were running some pretty fancy guns (stand out to me was a Stacatto). Others had top end optics (saw an Acro) and lights (not that the lights mattered in this course, but these guys were “I only buy the best” type of dudes). A couple others ran Glocks, but they were either 34s, comp’d, or otherwise gucci’d out. I was the only guy wearing plain clothes and didn’t have an OWB Battle belt setup.At the end of the day, I learned a ton and shot just as well as everyone else there (if not better; Staccato guy had 12” groups at 10 yards…). As much as I love good gear, it’s not a fix to make you a better shooter instantly. My mostly stock Glock ran just as well as the fancy guns and gadgets.TAKEAWAY 2: Allocate your practice time to favor the fundamentalsWe spent a lot of time focusing on body mechanics and setting ourselves up for success with the red dot. The instructor said it feels stupid spending so much time on basic shooting, but without the fundamentals squared away the red dot can’t shine.Furthermore, it feels good practicing reloads, but the majority of DGU won’t need a reload. Meanwhile, every DGU has a draw. It doesn’t feel as tacticool as practicing reloads but allocating our time to perfecting/maintaining the fundamentals (clean draw, presentation, etc.) is much more important.TAKEAWAY 3: Train like you carryThe beginning of the class had a sit-down classroom portion. After that, we all went out to the range. Watching everyone take out their tiny pocket pistols and switch to their OWB Battle belt setup with full-sized comp’d pistols was strange. At the end of the day, I couldn’t help but wonder what they learned from the class given they don’t seem to carry an optics pistol or carry anything remotely comparable to what they were shooting all day. Nor do they carry in the same position or carry all the mags on their belt. I know I got 8 hours of trigger time with a pistol I can carry and got practice with my carry setup.TAKEAWAY 4: Keep it simpleAgain, there were lots of fancy guns and fancy optics and I saw everyone else have some sort of issue throughout the day (“oops, forgot the safety,” “I missed hitting the ALS,” “My dot auto adjusted to the light and I couldn’t see it,” “My dot turned off”). Seeing everyone else have some issue made me really appreciate the simplicity of a Glock and keeping my optic on constant brightness. Yeah, I don’t get all warm and tingly touching a Glock, but at least I got my shots off. Plus, I was able to drop my mags, unlike Staccato guy, who didn’t want to damage his mags or get them muddy (can you tell I didn’t get along with Staccato guy?).TAKEAWAY 5: Go get more trainingFirst off, getting training always makes me feel more enthusiastic about continuing to get better. I’m looking at training in the area and trying to fit a couple into my schedule. Next up should be a Modern Samurai Project class!Second off, as a musician I can say that your practice time in your bedroom doesn’t translate to playing in a band well. Similarly, I’ve had a lot of solo or 1-on-1 time (like bedroom practice) but haven’t had much experience with other shooters (like playing in a band). Not to boast, but I think this was a good experience seeing what other shooters are like and their skill levels. I think continuing to get training with others gives you a comparative idea of your skills. At the very least, if the purge happened tomorrow, I know I’d be able to take Staccato guy. #FuckStaccatoGuy​EDIT: clarification via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zAgILQ

Teaching my nephew how to fight for himself

My 16 year old nephew has been getting beaten up badly at school and over summer I’ve been teaching him how to fight and defend himself - I’ve been thinking about teaching him how to effectively headbutt (something I often did back in my teens) but I’ve read a lot of stuff recently talking about the dangers of head butting and how they can sometimes cause TOO much damage and are overkill for when being picked on by a teenager. What do we all think?

Submitted August 31, 2021 at 12:33PM by GSinclair724 https://ift.tt/3mSdLTs

Frustrated with Boston

I'm an Asian guy in Boston. Recently there's been an up-tick of assaults on the train system and randomly in public. As a college student I want to be able to defend myself at night, but that simply isn't possible because of the idiotic laws. I get a notification for a shooting every week, so the bad guys are obviously getting guns. The good guys can't get anything. No tazers, auto knives, guns, or anything that can be used to defend yourself. I honestly don't know how people can walk around defenseless. I'm from Atlanta and you don't see people getting randomly assaulted even here. That's just begging to get shot, and it's an incredible deterrent. I'm likely gonna get a folding knife that can be unflipped quickly, but I really wish I could carry. I hate the culture and stigma against guns here. Everyone is against them until they or someone they know is assaulted. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3t0OSpL

Just an fyi in case anyone was looking at Vedder

https://ift.tt/2Y3k0JK via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zytryQ

Don't leave your carry belt unattended.

https://ift.tt/3kHokWK via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3sZNpjB

The light bearing enigma is by far the best solution I've found for carrying a G17 in summer clothing.

https://ift.tt/3ywYXMb via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zDLdRq

how important is it to practice with your carry ammo? is training with the same grain good enough?

So this might sound stupid but here's what I have in terms of hp ammo (all 9mm): ~200rds federal punch, ~100 rounds critical defense, and ~400 rounds mixed of HST 124, 124+p, and 147. HST is obviously the most recommended choice out of these. And whichever one I decide to carry I would shoot at least some of it at a range just to make sure it plays nice with my gun. But in terms of practicing, should I then only use range ammo that has the same grain? by far the most available 9mm ammo right now is 115g stuff, which only matches the critical defense. 124 is a lot less available and 147 is like non existent where I am.And say I decide I like the HST 124+p the best, what do I do with all the other stuff? Shooting it as practice seems like a waste. Holding onto it but never practicing with it also seems pointless. Or should I just not shoot any of it until prices/availability is better and I can decide which one I can source most easily. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3t0X3Co

Monday, August 30, 2021

What habits have you adopted as a result of carrying?

I’m interested if anyone else has noticed they have adopted certain habits as a result of carrying? Maybe always hiking your pants up before you sit or something else.I’ve noticed a couple myself: - I’ve started wearing an undershirt - Whenever I have to hug a family member, I make sure to keep my right arm down (and my left arm goes up) so they don’t bump into anything - I have to really watch it when I use my shirt to wipe off my glasses or else I pull my shirt up too high and expose my glock via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3mO9wbp

Best CCW OR CCL defense membership?

Because I kept seeing Uscca and obviously they were introduced in my CCL class, I went with them.Who is the best out there in your opinion? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3kwV3y0

Why I do not like “gun free zones”

https://ift.tt/2UZMsuW via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3jwfFHy

Scenario: Open carrying horseback ranchers rode through my campsite and nothing really happened, but what are your thoughts? (Long story)

So this might get a bit long but ultimately I want to know what you sane, prudent, moral CCWers think of this encounter i had over the weekend that led to a heated discussion between myself and another camper in my group.Over the weekend we camped in open National Forest land where some ranchers had cows grazing on the public land. We were camped at the head of a dirt T intersection for motor vehicles, but the head of the T was technically a continuation of the road but for horseback riders. There were firepits and signs that it was a regularly used camp site, so we camped there. 6 of us and a few dogs.In the morning a pair of cowboys (presumably a husband and wife) ride by on horses with their offleash Australian Shepherd dogs in tow and rode about 100 yards out of the way as not to disturb our camp. We waved, they waved back.In the evening they came back through the trail but this time we see them coming straight for our campsite so we grab our dogs by their collars as they ride by. My 8 month old retriever gets excited and barks, causing the other dogs in my group to bark, but their Aussies are unfazed and keep on going. Cowboy man says "how yall doing?" We exchange pleasantries and they ride off, we let go of our dogs.One camper in my group who was invited by someone else (it was my first time meeting him) is absolutely peeved that they rode through our camp but even more upset that the cowgirl (more like cowlady) was resting her hand on her revolver as they rode through.I didn't think anything of it because thats just a natural place to rest your hand while on horseback, they were just ranchers riding through, we were technically camped in their way, we were also camped near their homestead and livestock, we were a group of 6 strangers in the middle of nowhere with no cell service and no emergency services, and the list goes on. I had already internally deduced that they posed no threat to me so it didn't bother me one bit.The fellow camper on the other hand was adamant that she was threatening us and showed a clear willingness to shoot our dogs and us and this and that. Used expletives and pulled out the racist card (he himself is hapa, the rest of us are Asian). Then followed with a rant about asshole racist cops. This led to a pretty tense discussion that really changed the trajectory of our fun camping trip.Fwiw, I was carrying at the time and the fellow camper did not know I was carrying nor did he know I had an AR in the truck. One other camper (my friend) was also armed.Questions: was I wrong in being too lax about it? Is hand on pistol in this particular situation a threatening action? Do you think she really was willing to shoot our dogs? Were we assholes for camping there? Were they assholes for riding through? Other thoughts? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2Ww0pBP

When carrying a gun escalates a fight?

I am trying to decide whether to conceal carry. Here's one of the things I struggle with: suppose I am carrying, and get into a physical altercation that doesn't involve a deadly threat, like some guy trying to beat me up. If he notices the gun on my belt when we are wrestling or whatever, doesn't this massively up the intensity of the encounter? He's going to think he needs to get the gun and kill me before I kill him, and I'm going to be thinking that I need to kill him before he takes my gun. An encounter that was nowhere near the deadly level is now deadly, and if I kill him out of fear that he's going to grab my gun, my life turns into a legal hell.It almost seems like this kind of situation would be more common than a situation where you face a deadly threat, and your firearms ends up being your only way out, and you're glad you're carrying it. This kind of thing makes me hesitate to carry. Thoughts? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zuWRxN

First CCW

Hey everyone, I’m moving back to the US in about 2 and a half weeks. Looking to get my first carry weapon shortly after arriving. Anyone got suggestions? I’d prefer something around the $500 price point at most with at least 9-10 rounds, but I’m flexible with that.Thanks in advance y’all. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3BqBjmx

The firing line shuffle and my thoughts on it.

https://ift.tt/2WCmDlv via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3kFWF8v

Underbarrel light discussion

I own a S&W M&P 2.0 9mm with a 3.5 inch barrel. I’ve been trying to do research about finding a good tactical light but it’s quite overwhelming. I don’t know what factors to look for as I am new to attachments. I want a light that will sit flush with the barrel to prevent snags as I am an AIWB carrier. If anyone could give an opinion on a few different options based on personal experience that would be great. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3mNg5LE

CZ is releasing a new pistol on Friday. Supposedly a micro compact

https://ift.tt/3kJbQhA via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3ypWEKN

wearing a bulletproof vest daily?

I'm really paranoid about random shootings and while I don't live in a bad neighborhood, I just think I'd feel much safer if I wore a bulletproof vest (along with carrying a firearm). I wonder if anyone else already do the same?

I think there are vests out there that are fairly comfortable and lightweight. If it gives me peace of mind then so be it. Although I think wearing a bulletproof helmet daily might be an overkill...


Submitted August 30, 2021 at 03:59PM by engineheat https://ift.tt/3zvJdui

EDC Locked In

https://ift.tt/3t0XL2o via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zpVBvP

Indiana Lifetime: 19 Days

https://ift.tt/3BkmuSm via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3DyrULp

Whats your EDC pistol?

For me its the Walther PPS. I shoot it better than anyother single stack (365 coming in second) I also like the striker indicator in the back, I know not a big deal for many, but I like that little feature.How about you guys? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3t73MLi

Here's the fatty sitting down.

https://ift.tt/38qz0n2 via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3gGYGjK

Any SD tips for photographers in cities?

What's your approach to personal safety while taking photos when there are other people nearby? In other words how do you keep your gear not being stolen/grabbed on the street/in an alley etc?

I'm currently carrying a pepper spray for this purpose and have taken self defence lessions. Are there any other preventative measures I can take?


Submitted August 30, 2021 at 11:07AM by qUxUp https://ift.tt/2UZRGHb

Attacked by a junkie in my car

This is a throwaway as people in my life know my real account and I don’t need people at work/certain family members knowing I carry.I live in a large city and a few weeks back was randomly attacked while driving by a junkie on a bummer trip. I was driving in an older part of the city where there are lots of very narrow one-way streets. It’s about 3PM on a weekday and my window was down as the a/c in my car is busted. I hear a lot of commotion up ahead and I look to see my soon-to-be attacker (at this point screaming obscenities at the sky) at a red light about a block down but I am unable to turn away and re-route due to construction going on. I’m forced to continue down the street; as precautions I double check my doors are locked, roll my window up, and I tuck my shirt behind my carry pistol grip (a glock 19 with a TTI +4 in an Enigma) for easier access should the worst have to happen. For whatever reason, as I’m getting closer he dials in on me in a long line of cars. He rushes over after relieving himself of most of his clothes and blocks my car from moving forward. He then begins to hammerfist the hood of my car while screaming the F-word repeatedly. At this point I realize that he is significantly larger than he seemed earlier down the block - considerably larger than me and I’m approximately 6’2 230lbs. I remember making the decision that I’m not giving up the safety of the car and I’m not drawing unless he approaches a door, window, or produces a weapon of his own. I drop my right hand to get a solid grip on the pistol and I honestly do nothing. I simply made eye contact and waited for him to stop. Cars behind me are honking and people on the sidewalk are screaming. I figured in that split second if he is in an agitated state that honking and getting visibly aggressive at him only escalates the situation. After a 10-15 second flurry of beating my poor car he runs down a alleyway about 30 feet away to my right. I call it in to 911 and leave my name and number with the dispatcher.Reflections: I don’t regret not drawing, honking or getting out of the car. I do regret not taking a better account of my surroundings and not noticing the alleyway until he began to flee down it. I was also surprised how simultaneously short and long those 10-15 seconds were. Overall, I’m glad to have been able to leave the situation without introducing deadly force and that my hood was easily repaired with one of those suction cup doo-hickeys. Ive unfortunately seen him about 5 time since then and it appears to be that he loiters in my neighborhood somewhat regularly. I’m happy to provide more details in the comments if useful - and I welcome any constructive criticism. Apologies in advance to anyone frustrated by posts like these - I know I personally get some utility reading the near-DGU posts as some contain scenarios I have not considered but not everyone does. Stay safe! via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3gN8N6y

Large guys can appendix

https://ift.tt/3yu7VcY via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zsYWdB

Self-defense tools that can’t be used against you?

I saw an ad for something a while back that was like a pepper spray that locks if pulled from your wrist or something and can’t be used anymore so an attacker can’t use it against you? I can’t for the life of me find it. I’m just wondering if anybody has heard of something similar. I don’t wanna buy a normal pepper spray or stun gun just in case someone rips it out of my hand. General self-defense recommendations for women would be appreciated as well.

Submitted August 30, 2021 at 04:15AM by goldfishthedeparted https://ift.tt/3BmD3Nr

Moronic Monday - Feel free to ask anything relating to CCW. August 30, 2021

Ask away. This is a judgment free thread where all questions are welcome, no matter how idiotic they may seem. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3h2W6oD

Sunday, August 29, 2021

1/3 scale target. 25 feet. 1.5 second par time.

https://ift.tt/3zuCtNl via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2WDxVGb

Phlster Enigma vs. Good Gun Belt?

I've been considering trying out the Phlster Enigma due to hearing good things about enhanced comfort and concealment compared to a regular gun belt.I'm curious, has anyone found there to be DISADVANTAGES with the Phlster Enigma compared to a good regular gun belt? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3kDlqCf

WML concerns

I’ve always wanted a WML and with the TLR-7 sub from stream light coming out it’s become not only affordable but convenient. My one and only concern is that from what I’ve seen the WML makes the trigger area slightly wider understandably, does this cause anyone concern with their holsters having a slight gap around the trigger guard? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3ktqxVy

Is the “elbow destruction” video legit?

It’s by some marine instructor training Philippine forces


Is it legit? The techniques all feel telegraphed and I think in another video you saw the same guy holding two guns spinning around.

Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:21PM by International-Pie911 https://ift.tt/2Y9iYft

Defending against groin grabs

Is there anything you can do once someone has grabbed you by the testicles besides hitting them in the face repeatedly/eye gouging/biting and praying that that convinces them to let go? Anything you can do to mitigate the damage?

Also, when someone is getting aggressive with you, a commonly recommended response is keeping your hands up in a "I don't want any trouble" pose or a thinker pose. How can you stop someone from sucker grabbing you by the balls?

I'm aware of the Draculino video that always gets posted, but I'm asking about a different situation.

Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:07PM by spectral948 https://ift.tt/3DvrWni

Pepper ball guns

Anyone on here have any experience with these things? I was looking at some on amazon and they all seem to be c02 powered, which seems inconvenient if you needed to use it in a hurry. Any insight?

Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:26PM by zeppelin1004 https://ift.tt/3zzrpi4

Only the essentials for 2021

https://ift.tt/3BpnXXw via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3DwDqa4

Pistol Permit- Alabama 15min

https://ift.tt/3kEItgl via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2WB4zrH

5,8 120lb really skinny, also I have an ileostomy

Hello I'm a new g19.3 owner taking ccw classes in my state, what are some ways or holster recommendations and such for someone of my build, 5,8 120 on a Good day, Waist is 29×30 I'm a pretty thin dude don't have much mass aswell as an ileostomy due to health reasons when I was younger, it sits just to the right of my belly button about 2 inches I wear a ostomy support belt daily aswell it's a ostomy Armour gen3 it covers the ostomy with titanium plate and padding for everyday protection from dogs tables doors things of that nature via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/38CQooR

My All Day/Every Day Carry 🇺🇸

https://ift.tt/3kCuAz0 via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2UVVF7t

Oregon - 126 Days

https://ift.tt/3jqR0DZ via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2UXCbiR

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fully realize how FAST it happens and ends.

This is a PSA and sobering reminder.I know we read every single day about how a self defense situation happens and there is often no time to chamber a round, or even draw fully or let alone use the sights, but please please please grind this into your skull and train accordingly.YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME AND IT HAPPENS IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. You will default to your training or lack there of. You will not have time to think.I was in a very scary and real situation and it happened in a blink of the eye, but in slow motion all the same. Tunnel vision is a thing. No further details other than it ended with the best possible outcome for me. Yes, I had a round chambered and do train regularly.Something else very important to consider that doesn't come up enough is what the fuck to do after. What if you've subdued somebody? What if you scuffle and they try to run away? What if you hurt somebody? What if you killed somebody? You will not have time to think in the moment, so figure it out now and don't just train for the situation, but for after as well. Run every possible scenario through your head and (obviously or maybe not so obviously) be very familiar with your local laws.I also think there is tremendous merit doing training with a friend, having them try to get drop on you and actually drawing and fighting in a real time (after obviously double, triple and quadruple clearing). This also does not come up often and think it's probably as important as practicing your draw and firing.Just be careful and for the love of God, keep one in the pipe when carrying. You will not have time.I'm not going to respond to comments. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3mHUm7H

Aftermarket trigger options for Hellcat

Hello, I own a Springfield Armory Hellcat and was wondering if anyone here has experience with aftermarket triggers for this pistol. As of now, mine is completely stock. The factory trigger isn't horrible but I'd like to see what other people have to say about alternatives. Thanks via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3DsTuKg

How many rounds do you have on your person when you carry?

I typically carry my 8 round Beretta APX with no extra mag. I know a lot of people dont like the little APX but it's what works for me.View Poll via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3ztTW8D

Appendix carry question- question posted in comments.

https://ift.tt/3znKpzM via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2WC6xaY

Color of concealed firearm

Wanted to open up some discussion on whether or not color matters for your concealed weapon/holster. More specifically, would an all black firearm be more noticeable than one with cerakote or pattern that broke up the all black if your weapon was exposed briefly?I sent a Glock off to Sonoran and am second guessing the tan color fill. This Glock is one that I would potentially wear with a suit around the 4 o clock. I'm back and forth on whether or not those coyote accents would be better if the firearm were briefly exposed or if it would attract more attention.Thoughts? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3gHi7Js

Looking for first CCW

So I am about to get my CC permit and already have a full sized beretta. I live in a very hot climate and am mostly wearing a T shirt and shorts everyday. I love my beretta but need a gun strictly for CC that is easy to do so.Right now I am stuck at either G43x, sig P365/P365XL, G19, canik tp9sf and the M&P shield. Leaning towards G43x and P365 mainly due to how small they are and easy to conceal. Just looking forward advice and input. Thank youHeight: 6’2 Weight: 195 via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/38ty8Oh

Found a new way to train at Walmart!

https://ift.tt/3BkuUsR via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/38k12jR

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Is the Vaultek Lifepod 2.0 the best portable safe?

So as this semester starts back up I will need to leave my carry in my vehicle every day so I was looking to get a good quality safe that also isn't going to break the bank. I have seen lots and lots of people loving the Lifepod but it's $160 (current amazon pricing). In comparison, I have been looking at the Hornady Alpha Elite ($45) and the Pelican 1170 ($50) both of which have overall great reviews. However, I have read from some that the Alpha Elite can sometimes have issues with its lock and well the 1170 doesn't have a lock and I would have to just get some padlocks which aren't too expensive. Is the price hike for the Lifepod worth it considering I will have to use this safe almost every day? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3BlTR7r

First time CCW in need of some help

First time posting here so forgive me if i didn't used the right flair or my questions are already in another post or i am wrong in something.How much does hand size matter? My hand from the wrist to the end of the middle finger is 8.5 inches and was thinking what would be the ideal size for and CCW/EDC that feels comfortable. My go to for CCW would be AIWB since i am most of the day seated.This are the 2 firearms i have my eye on as of now.Option 1Option 2Some fyi i am from Puerto Rico. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3ysiflM

5’7”, 140lb, 29” waist. Will I regret trying to EDC a CZ P07?

Decided to get a CPL, think I want something SA/DA to carry but also shoot comfortably at the range. Will C07 end up being uncomfortable and annoying? Should I compromise and get a micro 9mm like P365 or Shield Plus? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3zmuCBg

29 days later

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Something to carry other than a firearm Philly PA

I am a college student who will be living off campus in a few weeks. The neighborhood off campus is not horrible because a lot of students move off campus there, but there is a lot of crime and incidents of students being robbed, threatened, etc. Seeing as how I am 20 years old, my dad will not let me keep the firearm my grandfather left me (for obvious safety reasons). I am fully aware in a situation where someone pulls a gun on me, that the best action to take is comply, but if I were to get chased, or followed by an individual, what is something I could pull out to deter/ attempt to murder them with in an effort to end the confrontation? Thought about a pocket knife or baton because I feel like without a lot of practice and in close quarters, mace would be entirely ineffective. This post is more curiosity than actually fearing for me life, but I'll be damned if some shit head with a shiv is gonna run me for my iPhone. Any advice?

Submitted August 28, 2021 at 06:50PM by DrGersh https://ift.tt/3DoiAd4

Czech Republic, HK SFP9 EDC setup

https://ift.tt/3BpE5sj via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3joxwjq

Trigger coverage ok for wml

https://ift.tt/2Y0aabv via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2UXT6Sw