Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Are you vulnerable standing straight up ?
I think of this more during a verbal confrontation leading up to a fight. Usually both people have no guard up, no knees bent, and are standing straight up in each others grill. I feel like it's easy for someone to land a shot and you're just in a bad position to defend. Its probably best to have your guard up but that might provoke the other person that you're ready to fight.
There is a sense of being off balanced and that I'm an easy target if I'm just standing straight up. Whereas if I have my knees bent I at least feel more in control and ready. I just want clarity on this. I feel like I know what I'm talking about but I don't at the same time.
Submitted September 01, 2021 at 01:34AM by spankyourkopita https://ift.tt/3gP8Y1t
AIWB printing
Going out of town for CDL training and I want to carry but worried of printing and such
Avoiding potential conflicts
Takeaways from my Red Dot class
Teaching my nephew how to fight for himself
My 16 year old nephew has been getting beaten up badly at school and over summer I’ve been teaching him how to fight and defend himself - I’ve been thinking about teaching him how to effectively headbutt (something I often did back in my teens) but I’ve read a lot of stuff recently talking about the dangers of head butting and how they can sometimes cause TOO much damage and are overkill for when being picked on by a teenager. What do we all think?
Submitted August 31, 2021 at 12:33PM by GSinclair724 https://ift.tt/3mSdLTs
Frustrated with Boston
Just an fyi in case anyone was looking at Vedder
The light bearing enigma is by far the best solution I've found for carrying a G17 in summer clothing.
how important is it to practice with your carry ammo? is training with the same grain good enough?
Monday, August 30, 2021
What habits have you adopted as a result of carrying?
Best CCW OR CCL defense membership?
Scenario: Open carrying horseback ranchers rode through my campsite and nothing really happened, but what are your thoughts? (Long story)
When carrying a gun escalates a fight?
First CCW
The firing line shuffle and my thoughts on it.
Underbarrel light discussion
CZ is releasing a new pistol on Friday. Supposedly a micro compact
wearing a bulletproof vest daily?
I'm really paranoid about random shootings and while I don't live in a bad neighborhood, I just think I'd feel much safer if I wore a bulletproof vest (along with carrying a firearm). I wonder if anyone else already do the same?
I think there are vests out there that are fairly comfortable and lightweight. If it gives me peace of mind then so be it. Although I think wearing a bulletproof helmet daily might be an overkill...
Submitted August 30, 2021 at 03:59PM by engineheat https://ift.tt/3zvJdui
Whats your EDC pistol?
Any SD tips for photographers in cities?
What's your approach to personal safety while taking photos when there are other people nearby? In other words how do you keep your gear not being stolen/grabbed on the street/in an alley etc?
I'm currently carrying a pepper spray for this purpose and have taken self defence lessions. Are there any other preventative measures I can take?
Submitted August 30, 2021 at 11:07AM by qUxUp https://ift.tt/2UZRGHb
Attacked by a junkie in my car
Self-defense tools that can’t be used against you?
I saw an ad for something a while back that was like a pepper spray that locks if pulled from your wrist or something and can’t be used anymore so an attacker can’t use it against you? I can’t for the life of me find it. I’m just wondering if anybody has heard of something similar. I don’t wanna buy a normal pepper spray or stun gun just in case someone rips it out of my hand. General self-defense recommendations for women would be appreciated as well.
Submitted August 30, 2021 at 04:15AM by goldfishthedeparted https://ift.tt/3BmD3Nr
Moronic Monday - Feel free to ask anything relating to CCW. August 30, 2021
Sunday, August 29, 2021
1/3 scale target. 25 feet. 1.5 second par time.
Phlster Enigma vs. Good Gun Belt?
WML concerns
Is the “elbow destruction” video legit?
It’s by some marine instructor training Philippine forces
Is it legit? The techniques all feel telegraphed and I think in another video you saw the same guy holding two guns spinning around.
Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:21PM by International-Pie911 https://ift.tt/2Y9iYft
Defending against groin grabs
Is there anything you can do once someone has grabbed you by the testicles besides hitting them in the face repeatedly/eye gouging/biting and praying that that convinces them to let go? Anything you can do to mitigate the damage?
Also, when someone is getting aggressive with you, a commonly recommended response is keeping your hands up in a "I don't want any trouble" pose or a thinker pose. How can you stop someone from sucker grabbing you by the balls?
I'm aware of the Draculino video that always gets posted, but I'm asking about a different situation.
Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:07PM by spectral948 https://ift.tt/3DvrWni
Pepper ball guns
Anyone on here have any experience with these things? I was looking at some on amazon and they all seem to be c02 powered, which seems inconvenient if you needed to use it in a hurry. Any insight?
Submitted August 29, 2021 at 09:26PM by zeppelin1004 https://ift.tt/3zzrpi4
5,8 120lb really skinny, also I have an ileostomy
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fully realize how FAST it happens and ends.
Aftermarket trigger options for Hellcat
How many rounds do you have on your person when you carry?
Appendix carry question- question posted in comments.
Color of concealed firearm
Looking for first CCW
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Is the Vaultek Lifepod 2.0 the best portable safe?
First time CCW in need of some help
5’7”, 140lb, 29” waist. Will I regret trying to EDC a CZ P07?
Something to carry other than a firearm Philly PA
I am a college student who will be living off campus in a few weeks. The neighborhood off campus is not horrible because a lot of students move off campus there, but there is a lot of crime and incidents of students being robbed, threatened, etc. Seeing as how I am 20 years old, my dad will not let me keep the firearm my grandfather left me (for obvious safety reasons). I am fully aware in a situation where someone pulls a gun on me, that the best action to take is comply, but if I were to get chased, or followed by an individual, what is something I could pull out to deter/ attempt to murder them with in an effort to end the confrontation? Thought about a pocket knife or baton because I feel like without a lot of practice and in close quarters, mace would be entirely ineffective. This post is more curiosity than actually fearing for me life, but I'll be damned if some shit head with a shiv is gonna run me for my iPhone. Any advice?
Submitted August 28, 2021 at 06:50PM by DrGersh https://ift.tt/3DoiAd4