Friday, April 16, 2021


I'm a 22 year old woman who lives alone in a larger city. I don't drive, and pre-pandemic, public transit was how I got around. I don't carry cash. I've always felt fairly safe here, but recently I've been unable to justify having zero options to defend myself at home or in public.

My neighborhood itself seems pretty safe, so I'm honestly more worried of one-off encounters than I am worried of a break in. I have multiple security cameras indoors/outdoors. There are many densely populated spots here that my friends and I pretty much have assumed for years will eventually become some awful psychopath's target. I am in these spaces frequently, and I can't help but wonder what I'd do in that situation.

I'm not interested in carrying a firearm around with me. I'd prefer not to carry pepper spray. It would most likely affect me more than whoever I'm using it on since I'm asthmatic. I'm 5'4" and 100lbs and could be taken down easily. Visibly approaching someone before using a taser on them seems kinda counter-intuitive to me, but maybe you guys have some other suggestions.

I see plenty of tasers and knives on Amazon, but not much else. Would purchasing a baton be a reasonable option?

Submitted April 16, 2021 at 02:41PM by discountshiro

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