Wednesday, April 7, 2021

CC insurance? USCCA? Worth it or unnecessary?

So I just took my CPL course and my appointment with the county clerk is today. The world isnt getting any less crazy and I'm probably already way later than I should have been.In the course the instructor drove home the risks of being put in a situation to use your firearm to such a degree that it made me feel like theres more risk involved in owning one should you have to use it, than not. (criminal, civil litigation). I'm mostly concerned with the latter.My thing is, I should hope it would never ever have to be used in self defense. If the situation ever arose, I also don't think I should have to be second guessing myself or hesitating due to fear of our broken ass system coming after me.We were told of someone who killed a home intruder, a felon and it was found to be just in the court of law. No charges, free and clear. Turns out the felon paid child support to the baby momma and the baby momma took the homeowner to civil court and they were made liable to pay the dead mans child support. Wait WHAT?!We were given other similar stories as well.I told the instructor first and foremost I purchased the firearm as I have two little girls at home. They mentioned that if someone broke in, I could be charged for shooting them if I didnt let the threat "come to me" first. Like what!? I'm not going to come fly out like rambo but I have two little girls down the hall, I'm not "waiting" for shit....So all this felt like a segway to drive people to purchase cpl insurance from the associate they brought in to discuss it afterward.Apparently the insurance covers your lawyer, bail etc. You always hear cases for example, of that cpl holder in texas who saved his entire congregation from a shooter, or the gentleman that saved the grocery store robbery etc. You never hear about the aftermath though. Do they all have to go to court and pay for a lawyer to argue in court if it was justified? And then worry the criminals family is going to come after them civilly?What i'm getting at is, is this insurance necessary? I'm not of such means that the extra payment a month is inconsequential, but i dont know that i'm willing to risk my life/freedom for trying to potentially protect/save a life from a criminal god forbid. via /r/CCW

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