Friday, April 16, 2021

A few thoughts on seeking the gunman during an active shooter incident

First off my condolences to the victims.I recently watched an interview with Levi Miller who gave an eye-witness account of the mass shooting that transpired just several hours ago at the FedEx facility in Indianapolis. In his account, he mentioned how an individual unrelated to the shooting, a good Samaritan (unknown if he worked there or not) went to the back of his truck to "retrieve a gun in an attempt to engage the shooter." Miller however stated the good samaritan attempted to engage the shooter but unfortunately was killed by the active shooter.So I just wanted to address and reiterate the extreme danger that comes with making that decision to aggressively go after the shooter. Engaging and going after an active shooter is one of the most dangerous things you can do and is the responsibility of professionally trained Law Enforcement and usually not your CCWer. Bless the man's heart, he had good intentions, but unfortunately he loss the gun battle and he is now dead.Now I don't know the context, I don't know how the events transpired, but hypothetically choosing to go after and engage an active killer armed with a rifle is far behind the capabilities of most CCWers.My question is for you guys, how would you personally proceed if presented with the same situation? Would you follow the Run, Hide, Fight mantra? via /r/CCW

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