Saturday, December 26, 2020

Need advice on this disagreement I'm having with my parents, who I no longer live with, on the idea of self-defense and firearms.

I don't know exactly what flair to give this, but my parents are members of the Brady Campaign, and seem to believe that training, planning and preparing for a potential future act of self-defense is illegal premeditation. I no longer live with them, but my older sister keeps stopping by and then ratting me out to them telling them once that I'm going out for after midnight jogs or bicycle rides with a gun and now they've already filed several Emergency Protection Red Flag complaints against me over several months for that, claiming to a judge behind my back that I'm dangerous to society. They used those nighttime bike rides and jogs as evidence of me being out "looking for trouble" and possibly premeditating or setting up a future act of self-defense. I've already had to replace several door frames over this, yes I should have opened the door when the police initially showed up demanding entry, but I was upset and thought it was a bunch of bull that someone could have this done within the legal system.I never threatened anyone with my firearm in my life and I've never engaged in an altercation or ego battle, but they claim that doesn't matter because I'm walking around in the AM hours with a gun so I must be looking for trouble. Honestly what would you do if you were in this situation? Is the mere act of exorcising at night with a firearm seen as "looking for trouble"? I thought people had a right to travel and a right to bear arms. via /r/CCW

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