Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Two cases of unjustified “self defense” shootings.

I think everyone who wants to responsibly carry a gun should watch these two videos linked below. I came across them during a true crime binge. Both are of men who thought they were justified in shooting someone but in reality they absolutely were not and are serving serious time. There are also serious racial issues touched on in both. Sometimes I read things commented on this sub that remind me of these guys. If you pull your gun and use it, you better be 1000% sure you are justified in killing someone. In both these cases, the men thought their lives were in imminent danger and in reality, they weren’t. These guys are textbook cases of what not to do. I also don’t want to turn this into a “don’t talk to the police debate” as that’s an entirely different topic. In both these cases, there was video and hard evidence showing they were in the wrong, even without confessions. Watching the videos in full can really teach you something about the legal system and your responsibility as a gun carrier.https://youtu.be/sv0iN5J-9mkhttps://youtu.be/sVF_SlzxBJ4 via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3aUsQy2

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