Monday, December 28, 2020

Best double stack 9mm for someone with small hands.

My mom has a P365XL and wants a Glock 19 sized handgun for home defense. She feels a full size gun like a Glock 17 would be a little too big for her but she wants something a little bigger than her carry, also bc she has kind of grown fond of guns (Who would have thought?) and wants another one for fun. She has kind of small hands. I know home defense is different than carry but the size of gun we’re looking for is carried by many on this sub so I though y’all would have valuable input. Also there’s an important gun lesson in all of this. My mom was pretty firmly anti gun ownership, you’re more likely to shoot yourself, theyre dangerous, blah blah blah. Then I took her shooting, and she had a blast. A couple months later I helped her pick out a 365, and now she wants another one. Take people shooting folks, it opens up world views in ways dialogue cannot. via /r/CCW

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