Saturday, December 26, 2020

If you’re gonna carry, do it ALWAYS

Well had myself a little interaction the other day that I face palm myself over.I was at a Hyvee (grocery store) at night was with my girlfriend and this girl who is our friend/roommate. I am the one to tell my friends to have program compliance, Carry all the time. And I can honestly say if I have pants on- I am packing - ( at least at the 3 o’clock ) But we were baking some shit, needed one bag of something, I’m tired, in sweats, it’s a quick in and out, they’re ready to go, fine! I left my blaster at home.We leave the store to get to the car. I parked as close as I could, but that was still pretty far. It’s about 9:45. I’m keeping my eyes out for weirdos, don’t see any. And as we’re about 25 feet from the car we see this dark figure approaching us from in between some parked SUVs. I’m fiddling with my single cut keys, get the car unlocked, basically shove my GF in the back. Now the man is tooo close to other girl so I run over and physically get inbetween them. I hand my keys to her and tell her to start the car and climb over the center counsel and drive off if something goes down.By the time I shut the car door so that they’re both in there. My ass is leaning up on the outside of the passenger side. It’s a hobo pandering for money. He’s right up in my face now. (Now hey, I’m a Christian and I really do buy them food when I come across them, but don’t go following girls to the car right?)He asks for some money,I tell him “ I don’t have any cash sorry man” “Oh” “Yeah no money sorry” “But your nice car” “ I don’t carry money” He then starts rambling incoherently, he’s clearly on drugs, and I don’t mean weed. He then sticks his hand in his pockets. I’m thinking, “oh shit, gonna get stabbed.... wish I wasn’t an unarmed little bitch rn”I swept my dominant leg back to assume a more fighting stance. And yes I do have some fighting experience, not a master by any means, but some. We then stare at each other for what felt like an eternity and then he just fucked off and left.In Summons. Keep that thang on you. Train And be ready. now I could have easily have outran the bastard and hopped in my Craigslist Trans Am, but remember I had two girls I was responsible for in that moment. I couldn’t create distance between us. If something DID actually happen there would be no alternative to deadly force to protect myself in that situation, because it wasn’t just about protecting me. And in this case he was pretty damn hidden, but make situational awareness is an automatic habit..... and if GM gave you single cut keys because this is like, 1964, get a key FoB. Sorry for the lengthy boring read. via /r/CCW

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