Saturday, November 21, 2020

Question about Red Dots on CCW

New shooter here - are there any former military or law enforcement folks, or those that have had to use their CCW’s in real life situations that advocate putting a red dot on their CCW?I recently got a DPP that I planned to put on a p320 xcompact. I installed it last night, brought it to my local gun range earlier today to get help with zeroing and asked them about a co-witness setup where they proceeded to give me shit for wasting money on stuff they felt I didn’t need...their argument against red dots was that by the time I actually locate the dot, they’ll have already put a few rounds in me. I was under the impression that a red dot would only help me in a self-defense situation, but now I’m second guessing buying...I waited until I was at a point at the range where I was consistently hitting center mass with very tight groups with standard sights. I didn’t want the dot to be a crutch, but I did like the idea of a quick target acquisition but these guys got me thinking it takes more time to acquire that dot then just pointing and shooting with standard sights.What’s the opinion from folks who swear by them on their CCW? The DPP is quite bulky on the p320, but the window is big and I do like the fact that it’s got the manual brightness adjustment, a top loading battery, and it’s made in the USA...but I’m solid without it...just want to get some thoughts from the group of possible.Thanks in advance. via /r/CCW

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