Monday, November 9, 2020

I just had to draw my weapon in home defense

Okay, so tonight didn't go as I had hoped....A little bit of background: my house is on a roughly right angle triangle shaped piece of property so that the only way to the back door is to follow all sides of the triangle from the entrance (meaning that you have to walk all the way around my house inside my fence to get there.I had just gotten out of the shower when I went to my kitchen to do some dishes. Suddenly I heard a massive amount of racket from my back door, and the sound of several men yelling. "Let us the fuck in you son of a bitch" "Give us the stuff" among other things. Slamming on my door with both fists. Needless to say at 8:30 in the night, that's not exactly something that makes you comfortable... Particularly in my Home City which has a bit of a reputation.I was only a few feet away from my shoulder rig with my pistol (Galco Miami classic and Colt New Agent carried in condition zero), so I quickly put it on and then tossed on a jacket. If I had a bit more time to think, I would have also gone for my OC spray too, but it was in the heat of the moment.I made it to my back door, and yelled at these guys to ask what it was. "We just want our chicken man, give us our fucking food Cody"... My name's not Cody, so something was up. Looking out my peephole they all seem to be college kids in their late teens to early twenties. Realizing they were just drunk college kids who probably wandered around my property if I forgot to lock my gate well, I cracked the door and asked them what was going on. Turns out their Uber eats driver tossed their chicken over my fence and they were trying to get it. Seeing that none of them were seemingly threats, all dressed well, with no obviously concealed weapons, I opened the door turned on the lights and helped them go get the chicken...Then it happened.One of the three of them drunkenly yelled "surprise motherfucker" and pulled what I now know was a airsoft gun at me. LITERALLY PULLING A TOY GUN INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM A REAL ONE AT 9:00 AT NIGHT ON A HOMEOWNER WHOSE PROPERTY THEY WERE TRESPASSING ON.Immediately my training kicked in and I drew on him. Cue the typical yelling to drop it and to get away (peppered with more profanities than I knew existed). The guy's friends ended up tackling him to the ground, while I stayed trained on him.Neighbor called the cops, and because I live fairly close to a college campus they were here in less than 5 minutes. After talking for a few minutes, got the entire thing sorted. Turns out the dumbass I drew on thought that it would be funny and was quoting Dexter. No... seriously. The idiot risked all of our lives because he was a drunken fool thinking he was being funny.The cops ask me if I wanted to press charges, and I declined. They ended up taking the kids back to their house, and settled the whole thing . At the end of the day everyone is safe, and the cops said that I didn't do anything wrong and there wasn't going to be any issue from it. Didn't take my gun, and beyond showing them my permit, they were entirely on my side.I'm just really shaken up right now. On one hand it's terrifying to ever have to pull your gun when you feel like your life is threatened, on the other it's terrifying to know that I could have shot this stupid kid because he was "joking". I'm also right now racked with a little bit of concern wondering what would happen had I not held my fire and pulled the trigger. What if it was a real gun, and my failure to act got me or my girlfriend killed? Thank God it ended well, but I am absolutely going to be training some more.Bottom line, TRAIN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, AND NEVER OPEN THE DOOR IN GOOD FAITH... An innocent situation can turn bad in a second.I am so glad it's over and that nobody got hurt, but Christ man, this is not how I wanted my Monday to go. via /r/CCW

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