Monday, November 2, 2020

A scary experience that taught me some lessons:

This is a throw-away account that I made because I don't want this to be tied to my normal Reddit profile. I wanted to share a scary experience that I had on Saturday in hopes that it will help people share wisdom on how I could have handled the situation better.It started when I was on the way to the grocery store and I saw a car accident with a ton of police and fire trucks. A Chevy S10 had rear-ended another truck and looked like it was totaled. I felt bad for the person and proceeded to the grocery store. On my way back home, I saw the same S10 had now been pushed out of the road and was left sitting in the entrance to a parking lot. There was a woman who was frantically trying to get her things out of the truck. She had a little girl with her. I felt like I should help her, so I hurried home, dropped off my groceries, got my truck, and headed back to help her.When I arrived I saw that she had a little 4-year-old girl with her, and she was trying to get her belongings out of the S10 while trying to keep her 4-year-old from running into the street. She was mid-to-late twenties and appeared to be a drug addict. I offered to give her and her daughter a ride if she needed help. She seemed really appreciative and said that would be super helpful. We started loading up her stuff into my truck when someone else drove up. She told me that it was her friend and he was here to help her too.He pulled up in an older Toyota Corolla that was filled to the roof with trash. He looked like he had been living out of his car. She went over and talked to him, and overheard part of the conversation. She was explaining to him that the car belonged to her baby's daddy. She told him that "If Bob sees me after this, he is going to beat me again. He might just kill me this time." Her friend (his name was Ray) agrees with her that she can't let him see her after this because he probably will beat her. They start arguing about what they are going to do with the S10 when I remember that I have AAA. I offer to have the S10 towed for free, but I need to know where the tow truck driver should take it. She gives me an address, and I call AAA.I get the tow all set up and then head back over to tell her and Ray that the tow truck should be coming soon. Ray then explains to me that the address she gave me was the main address for the trailer park where Bob lives. I tell them that I need the exact address to tell the tow truck driver. Ray says that they don't know it, but they can point out which trailer is Bob's. But, the woman is worried that if Bob sees her then he is going to hurt her. I tell her that I can park a few blocks away and then Ray and I will help guide the tow truck to the correct trailer. She seems okay with that, so when the tow truck comes, we proceed with that plan.We follow the tow truck to the trailer park, and I park a couple of blocks away. It's a one-way street, so I get out and follow the tow truck to where Ray is parked. Ray shows the tow truck driver which one is the correct trailer, and the tow truck driver starts unloading the S10. That's when things went sideways.Bob comes out of his trailer. He is probably 30 years old and looks like Jake Gyllenhall from Southpaw, if that character did a bunch of Meth. He sees the car and loses his mind. Ray had warned me that Bob was not a stable person, but Ray figured that Bob wouldn't try and start something if there were 3 of us there. Ray was wrong.Bob starts cussing out Ray and screaming "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE IS SHE!? I'LL KILL HER! WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Ray tries to de-escalate the conversation by telling Bob, "She is okay. The little girl is okay too. They are both fine. We are just dropping off the car." So Bob gets in Ray's face and starts screaming "YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE SHE IS OR I'LL KNOCK YOU THE FUCK OUT!" Ray tells him, "I'm not going to tell you where she is unless you calm down."Bob shoves Ray backward, but Ray holds his ground. Bob starts screaming at Ray again, and Ray keeps telling him to calm down. Bob walks a few steps away, looks at his S10, and loses his mind again. He turns around and takes a swing at Ray. Ray saw this coming, dodged the swing, and pushes Bob back. Bob squares up for another swing, and I yell "HEY!" at the top of my lungs. This seems to snap him back to reality for a split second. So he stops for a second, and then tells Ray, "If you aren't going to tell me where she is, then you better leave before I kill you."At this point, the tow truck driver finally got the S10 unloaded. There are a few neighbors that have come out of their trailers. and are witnessing this all taking place. Some other guy had walked out of Bob's trailer and was watching what was happening. Ray sees that the tow truck driver is done, and says "Okay. We are done." and starts walking towards his car. I give the tow truck driver a look, which he understands. The tow truck driver hops into his truck, and I turn and jog back down the street towards my truck.When I get to my truck, I find the woman is standing outside of it smoking a cigarette. I tell her "Get in the truck right now! We are leaving!" She frantically puts out her cigarette and we hop in the truck. She tells me "This is a one-way street. We have to drive past his house to leave." I told her "Hell no. We are not going anywhere near that guy." I look and I see that we are probably 100 yards away from the highway, so I turn my truck into the undeveloped field and we drive offroad and hop onto the highway.After about a minute I notice that Ray is a few cars behind us. I then notice that right behind him is one of the cars that was parked in front of Bob's trailer. It is the other dude that came out (one of Bob's friends). The woman's phone was dead, so I handed her mine and told her "Tell Ray that someone is following him. Tell him that he shouldn't come anywhere near us. We need to split up."She calls him and Ray takes the next exit. I go a couple more exits and get off the highway. I drove around for another 10 minutes taking random turns to make sure no one was following us. When I was sure we weren't being followed, I asked her where we were going. She told me that she could give me directions to her brother's house. Her brother just moved, so Bob doesn't know where the new house is. I asked her if she would rather have me take her to the police station. I told her that they could keep her safe, but she insisted that I take her to her brother's house. She gave me directions and I dropped her off at her brother's house.That's the end of the encounter.While we were driving to her brother's house, she explained to me that she had meth addiction, and she is trying to get help. She had borrowed Bob's S10 without his permission so that she could get her stuff and move in with her brother. She asked me why I even stopped to help her, and I told her that God put a lot of people in my life to help me. So I wanted to make sure that I helped others when I saw people in need.Here are my two main takeaways from this whole thing:1. I didn't have my pistol with me because I had left it at home. I sometimes leave it at home because my Glock 19 is uncomfortable to carry for long periods of time. I'm glad that I didn't have to use my gun, but I definitely wished that I would have had it. I need to figure out another CCW solution.If I am ever in a situation where a might have to go somewhere, and I know there might be a violent person at that location, then I just need to not go there. I should have insisted that we take the S10 to a shop near his house. I never should have agreed to go to Bob's trailer park if I knew that he was a potentially violent and dangerous person.Anyway, I just wanted to share this story so that others can give me recommendations on how I could have handled the situation better. It was definitely the scariest and sketchiest thing I have ever been a part of, and I want to learn so I can become better. via /r/CCW

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