Saturday, September 26, 2020

Non-carry areas and significant others

Not much of a scenario, but more of a discussion piece. Last night, my fiancé and I went out to celebrate one year until we get married. Our plans were to go to dinner and then to a movie at an outdoor ballpark.Some back info on my fiancé. She does not love guns, but rather is more uncomfortable around them. She lost an extended family member to gun violence before she was old enough to understand, but still does not love all the aspects of firearms and their uses. She understands how I appreciate them and that I carry wherever I can, but refuses to let me try to teach her or even go to a range with me.At dinner everything was fine. We had a friend walk by on the sidewalk who stopped to chat with us. Our friend knows I carry frequently and made a joke asking if I was strapped. I told him of course and that I almost always do. My fiancé had zero problems with this and even joked with me about having an AR-15 in my back pocket. We eventually made our way to the ballpark. She knew that the park had no weapons listed online (I did to) and when we entered we were given a flyer saying no outside food or drink and in bold at the bottom it said no weapons. We parked and she told me it was fine to take my weapon off me and I said ya it might be perfectly safe, but it made me uncomfortable to not be able to protect her and myself if something crazy were to happen.We proceeded to get in an argument with her accusing me of just wanting to break the rules and that it would be embarrassing if I were to walk up to the gate and have a metal detector or pat down send me back to the car. I told her I thought it was very unlikely this would happen and if I saw they were checking, I would remove my firearm and place it in my car. She still was not happy with this answer and was very upset with me. I got angry and removed my firearm and hid it in my car. I told her I did not like this and she only made a joke that if its our time to die, then its our time to die.We walked up to the gates and the employees were conducting bag checks (we still snuck in some muddy buddies) but you did not have to go through a metal detector or any type of pat down. My fiancé told me it would have been ok for me to carry and acknowledged my stance on it after we got to our section to sit, but still said she thought it would be fine as there were likely no crazies in the outfield.Some back info on me. I am a former corrections officer and currently work in a non-sworn status in a jail. I know exactly what kind of crazy people are out there and she does as well as I have told her many stories of my experiences.I have always treated no firearms signs as suggestions, but if asked to leave for carrying, I would respect the owners request. I am a firm believer in carrying wherever you can and think its better to have it and risk being caught, then to not have it and risk my own safety.Does anyone else have SO's that don't agree with firearms and/or carrying? If so, how do you explain to them the need to carry? How do you open their eyes to the benefits of having a firearm, if it is needed?EDIT: I carry a P365 with a TLR-6 if anyone cares ;) via /r/CCW

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