Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Worth getting a Kubaton or risky?

A few days ago I got assaulted on my way to my car after work. Guy swung at me, I pushed him and when I saw him pull something out of his pocket I just ran as fast as possible into a crowded area and lost him. Got me thinking I should start carrying something to defend myself with if running can't work in the situation. Probably one of the most popular tools for self defense is mace so I got some of that but I've been looking into other things for the sake of options.

I've searched up on a kubaton here and the answers seem mixed. Some people say it's better than nothing. Others say it's too risky because it can be considered a weapon and it's used close ranged. I've heard stun guns have also been considered not very practical or good.

Unfortunately I live in Cali and though I'm doing my research I hear it can be a little difficult obtaining a CCW here. The area I work at has gone from decent to dodgy especially due to all of the recent events. Now I know, I can learn how to defend myself and I will. I can park my car in our lot and just pay the fee. I can leave in a group of friends. I can run. But when it boils down to it, as a smaller guy IF I have to use some sort of weapon to create some space and get away, besides some pepper spray is there anything else to use? Is a kubaton worth carrying?

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 02:27PM by Odd_Horse

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