Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What impact could my firearms have on my roommate’s children?

Less CCW related and more legal scenario -Roommate has 2 kids, and not exactly on great terms with the ex. She has been known to report falsehoods to authorities about the kids safety (which are wildly untrue) and my roommate said that “police have searched the house” before.I didn’t get much context about why they searched, but it got me thinking: I live in the basement, a completely separate area of the house from everyone else, no kids allowed downstairs. If the police DID show up to do a sort of child welfare check - what impact would my night stand pistol be? Could they open the drawer to look for it? Would my owning and storing firearms be a cause for them to get social services involved? I’d like to avoid the whole “my kids aren’t safe with guns in the house” thing.I don’t have a gun safe but the few weapons I have are either hidden or in cases separate from ammo. I live in the cheese state if the context helps.Looking for some input, if I need to get my gear out of the house for the kids I will - but It’s not preferable. via /r/CCW

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