Friday, November 22, 2019

Had to pull my gun on my own car, neighbor called it in (apartment) and had a pleasant experience with Phoenix, AZ PD.

Why they were called:I had come home from a drive to the gas station with my dog. When I got home I checked my other 2 cars as I live in an apartment complex. This is when I saw the driver rear door slightly ajar; it was late at night.As I had not driven that car in 3 months, I knew I didn't leave it open and so I went to the door to check it out. As I walked up, I thought I saw someone inside move, so I lifted my shirt and put my hand on my gun. As I continued to the door, I thought I had seen more movement so I decided to draw my gun. I pointed it at the back window but didn't announce. I opened and cleared the car, finding no one inside it I holstered my gun immediately.A car drove by during this and I'm sure they are the ones who called the cops. No hard feelings, they did the right thing from their PoV.Cops arrive:I'm talking to a neighbor as the cops screech up. Knowing it's most likely because of me, I tell my neighbor "dont move, don't walk away, just stand there everything's ok" then look over and see two officers approaching.I already have my hands up and told then my guns on my right hip, leaning left so my shirt lifted up. When he grabs me I accept it and didn't fight. I did say "I know why you're here, what I did is legal. I know it's legal in Arizona as I read A.R.S Title 13, Chapter 4, 13-401 to 13-421 usually once a week.After we got to the truck, they wanted me on the curb but it's hard for me to do that so I explained and they let me stand next to the truck instead.They explained what's going on, asked for my side. I usually wont talk to cops, however, knowing I was in the good, I explained to them the situation. They said ok, our supervisor is on the way, they radioed dispatch told em I'm not combative and I'm cooperative as well as a short version of the incident.Their supervisor checked my car's registration to ensure its my car and checked my gun for theft. Once those cleared they told me that since there is no victim and I wasn't threatening anyone with it that I was perfectly fine and free to go. They gave me my gun back and I went on my way.The relabent statues that protect me for what I did for this curious.13-408.A person is justified in using physical force against another when and to the extent that a reasonable person would believe it necessary to prevent what a reasonable person would believe is an attempt or commission by the other person of theft or criminal damage involving tangible movable property under his possession or control, but such person may use deadly physical force under these circumstances as provided in sections 13-405, 13-406 and 13-411.13-411;D.D: This section includes the use or threatened use of physical force or deadly physical force in a person's home, residence, place of business, land the person owns or leases, conveyance of any kind, or any other place in this state where a person has a right to be. via /r/CCW

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