Friday, November 29, 2019

Had my closest encounter with random violence tonight

Leaving work today I noticed two men in their early 20s parked sideways in 2 spots in a shared lot behind my work; they had both windows down and were quite obviously smoking pot, laughing loudly and generally having a good time (there is a back door to a bar in this shared lot, so it being Friday I imagined they were just getting ready to go in or were just coming out).One of my pet peeves is people not parking between the lines, and these boys in their beat up F150 had decided to try to park diagonally taking up two spaces next to my car. It's been a day at work so I know I must have given them a death glare because next thing I know they lay on the horn with me 5 feet away from their hood.I won't lie, I jumped.Next thing I know they are both out of the truck asking me the basics: do we have a problem? What are you looking at? Yada yada. The jump got my adrenaline pumping, so I just made some lame comment about coloring inside the lines being hard for boys their age; this was my mistake.Lead boy gets in my face and puts a finger in my chest telling me 'a jumpy bitch like you shouldn't play tough' as his friend looms in the background. I take a step back, tell him not to touch me and immediately start trying to deescalate - "the last thing we would want on is to ruin our Friday with a police report". He takes another step closer, makes another threat, I take a step back.No more words were spoken, the guy let the tension out of his shoulders, muttered something to his friend and got back in the truck and left, flipping me off as he drove by.I realize now how ego was the entire cause of this interaction, and things could have changed quickly with just a few changed variable. I was carrying tonight, and certainly was aware of it being on my waist during my standoff.I am still trying to think what I would have done had he swung at me. Two guys vs me? Could I have gotten away or would I have to brandish to encourage them to move on? It honestly has me wondering. Looking back, if I had just made the right call to avoid an ego battle and tell them 'no problem' the whole thing could have been avoided.Tl;dr I eyeballed some guys, they met my challenge, things got tense but I fight was avoided. via /r/CCW

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