Friday, May 3, 2019

Was just involved in a situation where I wished I carried at home.

Just to preface: Not opposed to carrying at home, but just never felt the need. My neighborhood isn't overly luxurious, but is made up mostly of families and older couples. Pretty peaceful and uneventful for the most part.​I was inside working on some things and heard a loud noise which was someone zooming down our neighborhood street on their motorcycle and then peeling out their tires in front of my house. I get up to check it out, open my door and stay on the porch area. What I see is a motorcyclist (20's to 30's) being confronted by my neighbor across the street (man in his late-50's). My neighbor was telling the motorcyclist to "slow down" and explain that there were tons of kids that walk our street (school was getting out and we live in proximity to four schools).​The motorcyclist tells him to go "f*** himself" and "calm down" -- and from what I could see, the neighbor wasn't being overly aggressive. He wasn't shouting, but obviously confronted the guy. My neighbor responded he wasn't overreacting and just wanted him to slow down for the kids, as he didn't want the guy to kill someone.​At this point, the motorcyclist gets off his bike and shoves my neighbor. When I see this, I immediately begin to walk over to the situation. My neighbor asks me if I saw that, to which I reply "yes." The motorcyclist turns his head and notices I am there, and then sees another neighbor begin to call the cops. He gets back on his bike and takes off.​Come to find out, this guy is from the only troublesome house on the block. These people have always driven up and down the road pretty fast and have been asked to chill out on multiple occasions. They appear to be running a chop shop out of their garage and they appear very...troubling in outward appearance. Additionally, I found out that several people from this house apparently tried to break in to a house in the neighborhood a few days ago and were arrested (I had no idea about this until my neighbor told me.)​Before this point, I've never carried while at my house. Mostly I just didn't want to deal with awareness of my firearm while at home as I work or relax. But this situation I found myself in a potential conflict with a person of questionable integrity that cause trouble -- without my firearm. I caught myself wishing I had it on my persons and questioning if I should consider carrying at home.​How would you have handled this situation? What are your guys' thoughts at carrying while at home? If you don't carry at home, what would you do to prepare yourself for these crazy situations that may pop up?​Just wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks in advance! via /r/CCW

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