Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Home invasion at my grieving mother's house.

Hope I flaired this right.So, just to help you understand what my family is going through in addition to this, it's been just over a week since my sister died suddenly. Today is her birthday. My family is going through hell right now to the point that this story is just like a minor inconvenience, like mentally my brain right now would sort a flat tire as a bigger life event than this home invasion, it's weird how your perspective can change overnight.Early yesterday morning, between 4 and 5 am my stepdad whose bedroom is right off the kitchen hears noise in the kitchen. Dishes and whatnot and thought it was my brother, the got up to talk to him about something and noticed shoes on the floor that he didn't recognize. He took a second to collect himself and grabbed the shotgun. When he got to the living room he found the guy sitting up in the middle of the couch, with my dead sister's blankets wrapped around him.My step dad keeps the shotgun leveled on him and yells for my brother. "There is a man on the couch and I don't know who he is. I've got the gun pointed at him!" My brother showed up in a few seconds from upstairs with nothing but his underwear and the SP101. Now for you to appreciate this, my stepdad is a old retired biker, with a very booming deep gravelly voice. Hearing him yell is terrifying. They shout at the guy, say some shit to get his attention. He was fidgety and kept grabbed at his pockets. They said it came very close to him getting shot but something they yelled at him got his attention and he seemed to focus on them for a bit.My mother and brother's girlfriend are upstairs with the S&W .38. Stepdad and brother are able to get the guy outside and he wanders off shoeless a couple minutes before the sheriff shows up. We live in a small rural town and our local police don't patrol every night. Response time was well over 10 minutes, it took so long that my mother went back to bed before they got there.My brother follows him in his van, just honking his horn and otherwise drawing attention to the guy. This gets the afternoon of one of the sheriff's deputies on the way into town and they arrest the guy. BAC 0.26 and high on meth. He stole a pack of hemp cigarettes that my brother bought over the weekend because he had never seen them before, and left his shoes in the kitchen. On parole and now looking at a home invasion with theft charge.Overall I think they handled the situation really well. No one got hurt, bad guy went to jail. Some things said while shouting probably would have been better off not said, but it's what got the guy's attention. And following the guy in the van wasn't the smartest, but my brother described him as a zombie, he was so out of it he didn't even know what he did. It's easy to second guess decisions when you have the luxury of time and hindsight so like I said I think they did a great job. Everyone was lucky that it was just a druggie too confused to do anything and not someone with serious intentions. Personally I feel relief and a LOT of anger, I'm not sure I would have handled someone breaking into my grieving mother's house as well as they did, and I am usually the level headed and calm rational one.Guns used were a shotgun either a Stevens 311, Remington 1100, or Ithaca 37 16g, I didn't ask which one, Ruger sp101 .357 mag 3", and a snubnose S&W .38 whose model number I can't remember right now.Edit to add, my brother did not bring the gun with him in the van. via /r/CCW http://bit.ly/2K77K1S

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