Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I need a stick to beat up bad guys

I need help finding something to carry around to protect myself. I go to a public school and naturally can't just carry around an obvious knife, and I would prefer something nonlethal. I've been looking at this huge ass poles and batons that are compact, but they're either too expensive or not big enough. I want something small enough to carry around normally, that gets to be only a little shorter than my height (like around 5 feet) when extended. Preferably either metal or wood, but what I want to do is to be able to unsheath it and scare an oncoming attacker SO MUCH with its intimidation factor I don't have to worry too much about using it. I would use pepper spray but that's not allowed at my school. If anyone has any suggestions or Amazon links, I would (literally) owe you my life.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:21PM by high_on_acrylic

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