Friday, May 18, 2018

What would you have done? (TX)

I had a situation happen last night near my apartment and wanted to get your thoughts on how you would have handled it/ what I could have done differently.Little bit of background: I live in a nice part of town and live about 100 feet from a public transit train station. Usually, my area is very quiet; however, the nature of public transit means that sometime questionable people can end up near my apartment.I’m laying in bed at around 10:45pm when I hear a woman start screaming “HELP...HELP!” I get out of bed and immediately have my wife call 911. We live on the second floor and our balcony faces the train station so I go out onto the balcony and see a male leaned over a female beating the snot out of her. He is wailing on her with both arms and she is screaming “HELP!” There is a parked car with all the doors open about 15 feet from where they are and there is another woman who is standing over the girl being beaten yelling at her as well.As my wife is on the phone with 911, I immediately go inside and get my AR15 and take a seat on my patio and just watch the situation (my patio is covered so no one could see me.) My thoughts were that if I saw him pull a weapon that I would shoot him.The man takes the woman purse and throws is 20 feet to the side and then gets off of her and goes and sits in the parked car for about 10 seconds before exiting the car again, slamming the door as hard as he can and then return to beating the woman. At this point, I believe that I see keys of some sort in the man’s right hand that he is using to beat the woman with. After another good 30 seconds to a minute of beating, the man walks off.At this point, the woman on the ground gets up, walks to the train station, vomit, and then get in the car that was parked and speed off, leaving the man who beat her and the woman onlooker behind.The man then stays at the scene pacing back and forth then walks to a bus stop just out of my line of sight.At this point, the cops finally show up and catch the man on the bus trying to leave and arrest him and I give my statement.My question to you guys is this: would you have intervened? I feel kind of guilty just watching the woman get beat like that but at the same time I didn’t see a weapon on the guy. Would I have been right in shooting the guy if I had seen a weapon?Thanks for listening.TLDR; man beats the crap out of woman until woman drives off and cops come and arrest the man. I monitor the scene from my apartment to make sure it doesn’t escalate to deadly force. via /r/CCW

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