Monday, May 28, 2018

Help with Home defense against aggressive intruders

I had an odd encounter today at home, and I'm trying to make sure I'm prepared for the possibility of a future intrusion. I want to make sure all my bases are covered so if anyone has any advice at all it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm in university and live at home with my parents and 19-year-old sister. Today two strangers came to our door and initiated an encounter that gives me reason to believe they may return to attack us.

I know they likely won't come back, but I'd really rather be over-prepared here. We've locked all our doors and windows and the entrance to our back yard, and removed anything that could make an improvised weapon from the front. We have a dog who would start barking if anything was up, but he's old and probably wouldn't attack an intruder. We're in Canada, I applied for a firearms license over a month ago but it's still processing, and owning/using firearms for self-defense here is verboten. I have a 4" half-serrated knife under my mattress that I'm fairly confident in using. My sister has a can of dog spray, and my parents have bear spray and a baseball bat. We all sleep with cell phones so we can call the police if for some reason the home phone is out, not that that would help in the moment.

Is there anything we're missing, or any other advice any of you have?

It should be noted the vehicle was distinctive and the police are patrolling the neighborhood tonight.

Also with knives, my understanding is that the best approach is to hold it in your dominant hand in a closed fist, blade out the side opposite your thumb facing forward, and to slash deep while using the other hand to punch or block. Is this correct?

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 01:40AM by segfaultca

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