Thursday, May 10, 2018

Similar holsters to Sneaky Pete?

Greetings /r/CCWI’ve got a bit of a conundrum. I live in an urban area where concealed carry is not only highly regulated, but where most of the everyday populace hates firearms.To make matters worse, I must frequently disarm myself throughout the day to comply with signage that carries the force of law.This entails switching from “carrying” to “transporting” by removing all rounds from the firearm and then putting it in a separate container. Either a fanny pack or backpack.The main problem with this is how supremely inconvenient it is. It usually requires a public bathroom to accomplish. Worse, every time I manipulate the weapon, I up the chances of a ND, even with safe and careful handling.My current plan is to switch to using a Sneaky Pete Holster and something small like an LCP2 or a P238. This way, I can remove the leather pouch containing the weapon and transition it to my backpack in full view without brandishing the gun since the holster is fully enclosed. Once inside the backpack I can render the firearm as safe for transport according to the law. Then perform the same operation in reverse to re-arm myself.My question is multifaceted. Firstly, I know that the law here is dumb, but is my idea similarly dumb? Secondly, as described in the title, does anyone know of some other viable options or products to consider in my unique situation? I had also briefly considered off body carry, where the gun remained in the backpack at all times, perhaps in a specialized pouch, but further research on this form of carry left me with the impression that most people consider it to be a bad idea.I’ve also considered utilizing a jacket pocket and something like an LCR 9mm with moonclips and a pocket holster; simply transitioning the jacket to the backpack to mask the transfer. The benefit to this method seems to be the ease of clearing the weapon with no discernible sound of a racking slide.Any advice that could be offered is greatly appreciated. It’s important to me that I stay on the right side of the law, since I don’t wish to provide the anti-gunners with any examples of irresponsibility. Simultaneously, I don’t want to let them win by simply making life difficult enough for me where I leave the gun at home completely.Thanks again. via /r/CCW

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