Monday, July 8, 2024

Why do I freeze every time I fight?

I’m a 19 f who’s been trying to learn self defense for about three years. I’ve taken a few boxing classes, learned the technique, had a very, VERY short judo phase, but somehow I’m WORSE at fighting than before I started training.

I got into a fight yesterday where I really should’ve had the upper-hand, but every time I went to punch, it was like my body physically locked up. In the past few years, during sparring or situations where I had to fend off an attacker, the same thing has happened. Every time I fight in real life, it feels like I’m fighting in a dream, if that make sense. I genuinely do not know why this happens, or how to combat it in the off chance I get my ass kicked again. Please offer any advice if possible!

Submitted July 08, 2024 at 09:21PM by VacationCrafty875

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