Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Is Gutterfighting Good for Self-Defense?

Sorry if this appears as a repost or something; I tried to post earlier, but Reddit had a bug. My dad, a Vietnam war veteran, trained in Karate, Judo, and Savate, trained me in self-defense from my childhood. I also have some training from BCT in the Army, before I washed out. I was confident in my skills, until one day at a motel, when a drug addict threatened me with a serrated blade. I was able to talk my way out of the situation, but I realized that I didn't know how to handle that kind of situation. My dad is no longer able to train with me, due to physical issues. Being rattled by the experience, I looked into self-defense more, and found information about Defendu/Gutterfighting. I've studied everything I can on the topic, from that perspective, especially from Carl Cestari. The problem is, while I have trained fundamentals, my training is limited. I don't have anyone around me I can train with, and I'm on a fixed income, so I can't afford classes. I'm wondering if Gutterfighting, and the techniques I have learned from sources like the manuals by Fairbairn, O'Neill, Applegate, Charles Nelson, and Carl Cestari is effective if, God forbid, I should ever find myself in a similar situation again. I'm asking whether these sources can help me with the issue of facing such an attack with a tool of some sort.

Submitted July 09, 2024 at 04:47PM by samcro4eva https://ift.tt/Zcv1Q9r

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