Saturday, July 6, 2024

To anyone who constantly wears headphones walking in the city...

Don't do it. Just don't. You are making yourself a target. I don't care how safe you think your area is. I thought my area was fairly safe but I knew it was never 100% safe. Even then, I never wore headphones while walking in the street.

I feel as if men do this less often, but women in my area seemingly do it more often, and the girls who I know that do it, tell me that they do it because of some obscure reason like not wanting to get cat-called. In my honest to God opinion, I would rather be verbally harassed than get snatched up, whether at night or in broad daylight.

And to those of you who say "well I wear my headphones but with no sound playing so that I can still listen for attackers" I would say that you are missing the point. Whoever wants to give you a hard time is going to be convinced that you can't hear them solely because you have headphones in. Not only that, but whether its airpods or over the ear headphones, it really depends on which headphones you have-- you are still putting an object either in or over your ears that obstructs your hearing to varying degrees, again, depending on what headphones you have.

This is not a good tactic if you are walking alone. Just please do yourself a favor and don't bother with the headphones, don't justify them, just leave them at home. Do not make yourself a target.

And a question for everyone reading (because I don't know the answer myself) : Do you believe that people will still catcall a woman even if she had headphones in? I would say there is a chance. And I would also say that there is a chance (not a consistent trend or guarantee) that someone catcalling would get angry that the woman wont hear them because they have headphones on/in.

Submitted July 06, 2024 at 03:41PM by Chance_Elephant9888

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