Saturday, July 27, 2024

What should I have done (knife attack 3rd party)

This happened a few days ago. I’ll keep it as brief as possible. I was sitting in my front room when I heard shouting and looked out the window to see what was going on.

My neighbor, a rather large man with mental deficits, was was out in his yard shouting at a man and his (maybe) 10 year old son who were riding by on bicycles. The father stood his bicycle up and both men approached eachother - more shouting occurred as they closed within punching distance. Then neighbor produced a knife and threatened the man with it.

I completely froze- My initial thought was to grab my firearm but I keep that for a home emergency situation and do not CC / have not practiced drawing or any of that stuff. Just walking out there with it in hand felt like it might just escalate things. At which point am I ready to kill this man?

I think I could have gone out there and tried to peacefully talk him down. I felt really stupid for not trying that later.

Ultimately a man from down the street, an absolute hero, showed up with a box cutter and retrieved the father and son telling him to leave and fled himself afterward.

Cops were called but never showed up- said to tell us if the neighbor did anything else.

So—- what should I have done? What would you have done? I feel a bit of a coward now because I didn’t immediately just walk out there. Maybe my reasoning at the time was to save my own skin but it didn’t feel like panic. It felt like having multiple choices of what to do and not knowing which one guaranteed everyone’s safety.

Still I wasn’t reasoning clearly in any case because it felt like an eternity in that moment when I could have made that choice. In reality it could have been 30 seconds or maybe a minute tops where this all went down from knife draw to resolution.


Submitted July 28, 2024 at 01:33AM by Mordagath

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