Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Im so done with my twin so i am defending myself

ok the title is a lot but basically my twin (14F) drove me (14F) to lots of mental and physical issues. My twin has hit me/ kicked me/ bit me before out of pure rage. About a week ago she punched me square in the back and upon turning around and blocking a few punches she seriously hit me in the jaw and gave me good bruises on my blocking arm (no major injuries just sore+ hurting). Tonight after recapping it for the hundredth time, i guess i just decided i am done. I am going to defend myself next time. I know how to block punches and how to properly hit but does anyone have any tips on other blocking/ defense methods? I promise im not going to seriously injure her and i will only be defending myself i am just done collecting bruises and cuts from her. I also cant use my left forearm or shoulder as i have cuts there that will be there for a week or so and idk when she is going to rage attack me next. I also have a decent amount of upper/ lower body muscle due to color guard training and conditioning

Submitted June 06, 2024 at 12:08AM by Justaperson_00

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