Monday, June 24, 2024

Fear is the most deadly/useless emotion for humans

If there was a operation I could get to erase fear completely from my amygdala & leave rage/aggression I would do it if I could afford it 100%.

Fear, shock & freezing gets people killed by attackers all the fucking time. Even some trained people who can't seem to master theyre brain.

Myself included I've been training & sparring for over 20 years and when I was younger I got hospitalized twice by some fucking retarded bums who never faught in they're life and attacked me in a Savage Rage when I didn't know what was happening. If it wasn't for fear & shock trying to freeze me up when I was in a unavoidable life or death situation I 100% would've put those retards in a wheel chair & not be living with injuries & ptsd till this day.

I humans didn't have fear but just used they're intellect to discern wether or not something dangerous shouldn't be engaged or not it would be way better for survival. Because when someone or a animal is already going to attack you and you can't run freezing or shunting means you die because you can't use effective techniques or be explosive enough to fight or get away.

I'm just venting ofcourse but I seriously wish we didn't have this dumb ass evolutionary quick that could mean wasting time & money training or worse your life. Because if your naturally a person who gets intimidated by raging attackers even after practicing hard sparring then in the street you'll be fucked & get hurt. Or maybe it's just me idk..we should have evolved to get enraged when posed with danger honestly & learned to use intellectual and skill ontop of that. That would've been a better trait to have even if you end up dying you would've had a way higher chance than if your fighting through fear & shock.

I was even looking up drugs that could turn fear off that I maybe could take in a dangerous situation I knew was coming. I know that's not optimal but idk I hate that knee jerk fear response and fighting through it & getting fucked up anyway even with years of blood, sweat, tears & money spent in the gym.

Submitted June 24, 2024 at 07:37PM by Wise-Intention-5550

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