Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dog Defense Tools

Here’s the situation: My wife and I walk our dog around our neighborhood every day in the morning and evening. The people are not a problem in the least but a lot of people get a bit too relaxed and leave their dogs off-leash in their front yards. In the past 2 years we’ve had 4 dog attack scenarios. In 3 of these, the offending dog went for our much smaller oblivious dog. Usually the owner runs out within 10-50 seconds of realizing their dog is being aggressive but not before the dog is well into biting distance.

My wife and I both carry pepper spray, but what has happened every time without fail is that we turn a blind corner or an alley and the aggressive dog is usually no farther than 20 feet, and gives no warning before breaking into a full sprint with intent to bite and kill our smaller dog. Anyone familiar with the 21 foot rule would understand why this is a very tall order to assume we could draw our pepper spray and spray down the dog before it already clamped down on either our dog or one of us.

Yes we have called animal control. Yes we have called the police. Our neighborhood is poor and our sheriffs and animal control is underfunded so basically the law doesn’t do anything about it and moron owners continue to leave their dogs off leash. We can’t afford a CCW and a gun right now, nor do we feel it necessary to warrant firing a gun in a crowded neighborhood over an ill-mannered dog.

What is the best weapon to carry for this sort of scenario? I’m carrying a 7” bladed knife but disemboweling a dog in front of its owner is very much a last-ditch scenario. I thought of either using a walking stick, a collapsable baton, or an old school leather sap as something between pepper spray and combat knife. Any input would be very much appreciated, my wife, doggie and I are fed up with this.

Submitted June 20, 2024 at 06:55PM by iron_whargoul

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