Saturday, June 22, 2024

CMV: Boxing and BJJ are bad for self-defense.

I just joined this community and it seems like a great sub. Ethical, thoughtful about self-defense.

In a post where someone was asking for self-defense advice, I saw some people suggesting MMA or going to a boxing gym. I thought I'd stop and try to contribute something useful in case a lot of people in this community have that kind of idea.

Imo if self-defense is the priority it's counterproductive, or at least not optimal, to build muscle memory for BJJ or boxing or anything else that involves rules.

I don't mean any disrespect to boxers and wrestlers! Just saying, we only get to have one set of automatic responses we program into ourselves for flow state.

Boxing can never be ideal, because you get a habit of not expecting him to shoot for a leg takedown.

BJJ can never be ideal, because you get a habit of letting him get his hands on you.

If the priority is self-defense, amount of time we spend practicing should be on the most effective strategy. Boxing and wrestling are not viable for consideration as the most effective strategies, because they have rules.

Even one little rule changes everything. In MMA you're not allowed to attack the eyes. But in real self-defense one of the most likely things you'll do is attack the eyes.

It's good to build muscle memory with Wing Chun and Krav Maga. Many people think Wing Chun is not effective - because it doesn't work in MMA. But MMA is not fighting. Wing Chun is about killing.

I remember someone saying, "Wing Chun can't stop a power double" (leg takedown)". But a Wing Chun person who has done some Jungian shadow integration might put his fingertips through your neck when you do your power double.

I wonder what ideas you have about this? Serious self-defense is not flashy, and the practitioner has to settle on a small number of strategies and ways of moving. Practice those over and over, and program them in.

Submitted June 22, 2024 at 04:20PM by FreelancerChurch

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