Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Am I pus*y? I called bodyguard in fight.

Hey guys, last night me and my 2 friends went to some pub and then my friend get drunk and when we was smoking cigs outside my friend begin to punch my second friend because he tell him his gf is whore.

The problem is he was not defending himself so much only put hands in front of his face..

Instead of me putting them apart (catch attacker for his chest from behind and tell him to calm down) do u know what I did?

I went inside to the pub/bar and called bodyguard that my friend is beating up my second friend and then he put them apart..

Do you think it was pussy move? I feel ashamed that I dont calm them down but I was afraid he will start attacking me also :D He was still punching him and I was just afraid.

What do you think?

Submitted June 25, 2024 at 11:44AM by CuteFatRat https://ift.tt/zEytb2s

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