Thursday, June 6, 2024

How can i fix this ?

whenever im in public at the gas station or just walking by a sketchy guy or a sketchy person is walking towards me( i tend to notice the threat from afar ) when they come up to talk to me my adrenaline instantly starts pumping is this a guy thing ?

my issue is when my adrenaline starts kicking in i practice bieng mindful and bieng in the present rather than letting my adrenaline kick in however as i'm doing that and the person who i think is a threat is talking to me my body will ease the adrenaline but my mind freezes almost like i just blanked out no thoughts or anything i just freeze...

How can i fix this ? what's the best approach on these scenarios? keep in my mind i know BJJ but i haven't mastered that aspect of the issue i described. One would think martial arts can help with that but what do you guys think can help ?

I'm curious to know we're any of you like this ever ? if so can you train through this ?

Submitted June 06, 2024 at 03:55AM by iii_fly

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