Friday, June 30, 2023

I have a question for the people who carry CCW badges. Why? via /r/CCW

It's been fun but I'm stepping down

Well the time has come that I am departing this sub as a moderator. In my last post I'll give you a little insight on why I created this sub and what I had envisioned for it. I created this sub because I just wanted a resource to be able to get information on carrying a gun. The information I was looking for was...what holster should I get, what are the ways I could carry, what is a good gun to know those posts everyone is tired of. 12-13 years ago, that information was hard to come by and I knew reddit would be a good place to get that information. After finding that no subreddits existed, minus general gun subreddits, I created this sub. /r/guns was NOT happy that I was making a specific sub for a specific thing that guns were used in, it was quite funny at how much people were complaining that we didn't need a sub like this. In the end I'm glad we were able to create and maintain a sub that met these goals. I'm grateful for all the moderators and users that attributed to this sub.My vision for this sub was always to be a resource of information. It was not meant to be a political statement for guns, nor a political party jerk-fest, nor a general sub for gun discussions. There are tons of other places these posts and discussions could be had, but this was not meant to be the sub for that. Mixing these issues into this sub makes it less of a resource by making the information difficult to find. That is the difficulty of moderating this sub and the challenge for making rules for this sub. This is a problem that many subs don't have or don't care to tackle, but we always have.You are left in good hands with /u/crazyScott90 and /u/qweltor, they are fantastic people and I am confident in their abilities make this sub a great resource. It's been a joy and sometimes not a joy....and I wish this sub the best.P.S. As stated in a post earlier this month, I am leaving because I do not have the capacity to moderate this sub just on a PC. Reddit killed off most all the 3rd party apps (RIF is officially dead now) and I do not want to be a pawn for reddit anymore. via /r/CCW

Is there a list of official restricted areas to carry in California?

Trying to find one but not able to.. any help would be appreciated thanks! via /r/CCW

Switching up the EDC?

So for the longest time I’ve owned and carried a CZ P10C. But it just feels like such a bulky gun I was considering swapping it out for a HK P2000SK and I could get a really good deal on one. Thoughts? via /r/CCW

Full size carry choice

I currently carry a Sig P365XL and have no complaints about the gun at all. However, I've been doing research on full size guns that still are fairly easy to carry (I'm 6'4). I want to find a dual purpose gun that can act both as my bedside firearm and as a colder month carry when I'll be wearing jackets/sweatshirts more frequently.I'm in limbo right now with the Canik Mete SFT, Glock 17, and the Sig P320 (not sure which version I'd go with). I would like to get some thoughts from the community regarding the firearms listed as well as maybe some alternative options. Only stipulations I have is that it has to carry at least 15+1, have M1913 rail, and have the option for mounting an rmr. Right now I'm leaning towards the Canik Mete SFT based mostly on the bang for your buck as well as the trigger. Thanks in advance for any advice! via /r/CCW

Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. June 30 2023

Welcome to our "Freedom Friday" thread. Here, you can post anything that is related to firearms or other weapons(knives, etc.). Posts do not need to be self-defense related. We'll be monitoring these threads and making adjustments to our content rules as necessary. via /r/CCW

what is cunning and how to learn it?

what is cunning and how to learn it?

Submitted June 30, 2023 at 03:30AM by Itchy_Salamander_935

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Crusty n Dusty EDC via /r/CCW

Suggestion for a metal baseball bat?

There’s been a a lot of kidnappings in my neighborhood lately, I want a metal baseball bat for self defense, any specific I should order online from Amazon? I already have a stun gun yet that won’t be enough against a kidnapper since me and my sister aren’t very strong or know how to fight

Submitted June 29, 2023 at 12:32PM by Enzyblox

Stupid RMSc question

I'm new to the whole optics thing. I'll probably delete this once answered because its something that's probably common knowledge.If an optic specifically says it's cut for a hellcat without an adapter plate. Will it also fit a G48 MOS?It looks like they're both cut for an it should work fine, right? via /r/CCW

Whatever happened to the grand jury of the Houston taqueria shooter? Was he indicted? via /r/CCW

boxing vs knife any chance?

I understand that knife has an advantage, but any chance?

Submitted June 29, 2023 at 04:17AM by Itchy_Salamander_935

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Prove me wrong about fanny packs

I hate them. I don't like off-body carry in general for security reasons, but the speed of a fanny pack draw bugs me incredibly. I utilize a Hill People Gear bag sometimes, but it took quite a lot of drilling and setting the bag up specifically so I could get a draw under 2 seconds on it. The top three videos for 'how to draw from a fanny pack' on youtube that have shot timers are dudes consistently over 3 seconds on the draw, and those are the ones where they don't fumble the bag. I've asked for sub 2 second draws in the comments of other posts before, but they don't get replies. I'm hoping to get one here. Fanny pack bros, please put your draw to video on a timer. See if you can get 3 draws in one take under 2 seconds. I'll even call it just a torso sized target at 3 yards, ez pz mode. via /r/CCW

T1C Xiphos V2 for my P30SK via /r/CCW

I finally finished out my upgrades on my 1st 2 Sigs. via /r/CCW

bullying self defence

My son is an only child, nine years old and I want him to learn some self defence skills before high school. A friend once told me that boxing and ju jitsu is a good combo.

The local boxing club is rough and a bit of a click from what I can tell with one of the trainers recently being jailed for GBH. I also have concerns about head trauma. There is also a local ju jitsu club, do you think ju jitsu without strking is effective in a younger kid bullying situation?

Submitted June 28, 2023 at 08:12AM by Mammoth-Inflation-56

What is the best state for CCW?

Notice how I said concealed carry and not for gun ownership. There’s already a lot of posts asking for what state is the best in terms of lax gun laws in general, but some of these states can be better for concealed carry. For example, Giffords Law Center ranks Arkansas as having the weakest gun laws while Every Town for Gun Control picked Mississippi. Many people also boast about Texas, Florida, and Arizona as having the least gun control. Although these states allow most firearms as federal law allows and are well known for guns, they either have a lot of gun-free-zones or no-gun-signs have force of law. In my opinion, a good state for concealed carry should at the bear minimum have Constitutional Carry, Campus Carry, State Preemption, not enforce no-gun-signs, and allow concealed carry in:Places of worshipHospitalsCasinosProfessional sporting events, stadiums, theaters, amusement parks, race tracks, and other large scale events. Bars. Although I don’t advocate for drinking while concealed carrying, I believe if you are the designated driver or if you are sober enough to drive back home from the bar, you should also be able to safely carry. State/national parks, state/national forests, and WMAsMost state government owned propertiesI would have picked New Hampshire if it had Campus Carry because it only prohibits guns in childcare centers, courts, and prisons/jails. Although Idaho does not allow ccw while being under the influence of alcohol in anyway, I believe it has the least restrictions on concealed carry and checks off every box on this list.What states do y’all think would beat or match Idaho for concealed carry rights? Or what states do you think have the least weapons prohibited places? via /r/CCW

New hoster who this? via /r/CCW

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Why the hate on .380?

I don’t understand the hate on 380. Most of the guns chambered in 380 are super light weight and soft shooting. I like both 9mm and 380, my main ccw is a P365 but I wouldn’t mind carrying a 380.Edit: I realize that most of you have never shot a 380, and it shows via /r/CCW

Open Carry Season via /r/CCW

My EDC via /r/CCW

Fl shooting via /r/CCW

Charges dropped against mother son in deadly Chicago restaurant shooting via /r/CCW

A bit new to CCW here is my current EDC. via /r/CCW

Monday, June 26, 2023

Holster Claw Not Helping

I don't know if this is just a personal issue, but it seems like no matter how much of a claw I have on my holsters, it just pushes my belt out rather than pushing my gun in. If you guys have any advice regarding this, that'd be great. My biggest issue is just concealing my grip and this would fix that.​For reference, I carry a Glock 19 with X300 in a tenicor malus sol, with a blue alpha EDC belt. I had this same issue when I used to carry a Trex arms sidecar and ciguera belt. via /r/CCW

Cracking kydex holsters

So curious on y’all’s opinions. I have a bravo torsion. Not top end but pretty decent from what I’ve heard. Anyway, I break their holsters about once every 3-6 months. It always breaks at the right clip. So I’m trying to figure out if it’s the holster or not, if it’s me, etc. Any thoughts? Info on the setup is a M&P 4.25 with tlr1, holster pillow, using a claw to push it into me. No real gut on me, so there shouldn’t be any unnecessary force on the holster. I am pretty active with a 2.5 year old so lots of up and down and bending over.Pics of break area. via /r/CCW

Sunday, June 25, 2023

I carry a 1911 cocked and locked every minute of every day. via /r/CCW

ProMag Magazines?

I need to pick up a couple spare magazines for my Colt Officers Model (.45 ACP) and Gun Mag Warehouse has ProMag 6 rounders. So any experience with the brand? Are these magazines CCW/duty quality? The Officers Model is my daily driver. via /r/CCW

G19.5 Grip Hockey tape west Texas heat for 7 ish hours today via /r/CCW

I hope this belongs here

Submitted June 25, 2023 at 11:35AM by How_To_Securityguard

My new ANR Holster for CZ P01 w/ TLR7A via /r/CCW

Coworker grabbed my knife without asking

Hello, I'm from Pennsylvania. I carry a fixed blade tradesman knife at work, and my coworker grabbed it from my belt without permission. I work in an industrial environment, and I do not feel comfortable with this coworker as he has made threats and joked about harming me before. If he grabs my knife again, would I be authorized to defend myself IF I feel he is doing it to threaten/intimidate/harm me? I don't want to harm him because I don't have any ill intentions towards him but he has made it clear that he's a very violent person by telling me about every fight he's won, anger issues, kicking work equipment at me, etc.

Submitted June 25, 2023 at 11:12AM by dr_doggy_style

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Does anyone carry this stuff from Freedom Munitions? (X-Def) via /r/CCW

Saturday carry via /r/CCW

Are there any non-lethal self defense gadgets?

Guns and knives are obviously out of consideration.

While Pepper Sprays are Tasers fit into what I’m looking for, I am wondering if there are any self defense tech, like a wearable or something?

Submitted June 24, 2023 at 12:50PM by Prof_Weedgenstein

Best 9mm carry ammo for full size hand gun?

What brand/bullet weight is best? and +p or normal loads? via /r/CCW

If someone starts a fight like this WYD?

Submitted June 24, 2023 at 11:58AM by lhwang0320

SFX9 4 vs 5 for EDC? On Wilsons website this comparison picture seems to show no difference in grip length so is there any reason not to go with longer barrel since grip is what affects concealability the most? via /r/CCW

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Best self defense tool that any one can own

Best self defense tool that any one can own

Submitted June 22, 2023 at 11:19PM by TechnicalAir4576

Highlighter yellow!? via /r/CCW

Optic - how bad are they really?

So I see recurring themes, specifically that the SIG dot for the P365 series (Romeo 1 I believe) is not good. Same for what seem to be equally produced dots like the Primary Arms classic series micro dots. I definitely see where Sage Dynamics and other high end test users are coming from, primarily durability concerns. But they also look through the lens of a duty weapon. So in the context of purely a carry gun, nothing double duty and not a home defense weapon, etc - when does durability really become an issue? I mean, my carry gun - of all the weapons I own - is probably treated the best of any of them. Has anyone actually had issues with a Romeo or similar optic related to being carried in a kydex holster under a garment? (Again - not that is also a range toy, competition gun, LARP prop, used as a hammer, etc.) via /r/CCW

RH AIWB at 11oclock issues?

Relatively new to CCW and carrying appendix. I’ve found it more comfortable and easier to conceal a larger gun if I carry at 11 opposed to 12 or 1 o’clock as a right handed shooter. (Have a good stiff gun belt, and good holster with wedge)I’ve practiced a lot via dry fire, and won a couple stages at local matches shooting from concealment this way. But the more I’ve read into it, it seems like most righties carry at 1pm. Are there any downsides to the way I’m carrying that I’m not thinking about? Would rather get used to something while I’m still new and develop good habits. Thanks via /r/CCW

Bersa Plus IWB holsters

I just got a Bersa TPR380 Plus, going to put about 500 rounds through it and if it is reliable and I like it, it will be my new concealed carry. I like being able to thumb the hammer as I holster the pistol, and am looking for something small for the summer. I have no issue with carrying .380 instead of 9mm. I am trying to find some holster options for the Plus model, the TPR380 plus is just a slightly upgraded version of the original Thunder 380 plus and should work in the same holsters. ​Does anyone have any recommendations? via /r/CCW

My Coffee Shop Carry via /r/CCW

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

No carry signs??

I'm in a state where a posted no gun sign holds the weight of the law... with that being said is there a specific sign that I need to look out for? Are these signs issued by local PD? Can private establishments put a sign up that suddenly becomes law? It feels like there is a fine line between responsible concealed carry and being a felon.-Purchase some land and build a private business (lets say car shop) and post a no gun sign clearly on the door, if a customer walks in carrying are they commiting a felony?? At what point does the area spontaneously become a no gun zone -Can somebody put a no gun sign on their own house? What if they teach piano lessons everyday in that house so it's also a place a business?I get it "just carry bro" but can someone please educate me via /r/CCW

Suspenders for ccw need ideas

Hey y’all Looking for a reputable brand for suspenders to attach to my belt loops. Any suggestions will help. As I’m getting older and fatter my pants ride funny causing discomfort and constant adjusting.Thanks in advance via /r/CCW

Cleaning the carry

I’m just curious as to how often everyone cleans their daily carry. My daily is in a sling bag mostly because an IWB is uncomfortable for me. So how often do y’all clean those daily carries? via /r/CCW

Big headphones in public

Submitted June 21, 2023 at 05:35PM by history_mango

Anyone stop using traditional doublestacks since micro compacts came out?

Micro compacts have been around for awhile and you can have anywhere from 10 to 17 rounds.Has anyone decided to use a micro-compact, or even a single stack, exclusively for concealed carry and home defense?Basically, has anyone decided to use a gun that is slimmer than a traditional doublestack for both carry and home defense?There is no size restrictions in terms of grip length or slide length. The gun only has to be slimmer than the average doublestacks. So large "micros", like a 4" shield with extension or a P365 TacOps, would still count.I still like my doublestacks and will keep them around, but it's just easier to achieve a better level of proficiency if you just stick to one handgun for defense. I was curious if anyone has decided to go that route for simplicity. via /r/CCW

Enigma/Concealment Belt with tucked in shirt question

Those who carry with Enigma’s or Concealment Belts with a tucked in shirt, do you carry under or over your shirt? My pants belt rides high, near my belly button. I wear a concealment belt near my actual hips, allowing for the grip of the gun to be concealed below my pants belt line and the barrel coming to rest near the start of the inseam on my pants. I can conceal a full size Ruger Security 9/Glock 19 size pistol in this fashion and it’s very comfortable. I am 6 foot, 174lbs. I tuck in my shirt, however, I find that wearing the concealment belt over my shirt works much better than under. Over the shirt, under the pants. My draw stroke is to pull my pants belt away and I’m on the gun, I haven’t timed it yet, but it is a very quick draw. I tried carrying under the shirt and under my pants, but my draw stroke is severely limited. I almost need 3 hands, one to pull my shirt out and up, one to create space and then one on the gun. It would be different and closer to a normal IWB draw if I carried at the same height as my pants belt, but I find that I print horribly if the gun is above my belt line with a tucked in shirt. I find the belt on the outside of the shirt helps keep my shirts tucked in, and I don’t feel any rubbing or chafing from the holster, sort of a win win win. It works for me, so I’ll keep doing it, just wondering if anyone else does it this way? Those with deeper concealment belts, do you carry with a tucked in shirt? And if so, do you carry under or over the shirt, if you carry below the belt line? via /r/CCW

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Summer Daily Carry via /r/CCW

Ruger LCP Max IWB Holster?

Hey All - Glad to be in a community with like-minded individuals. I recently purchased a Ruger LCP Max to replace my daily carry (G26 due to the thickness) and I’m wondering if it’s more ideal to carry the Max IWB or pocket. Additionally, if I was to use an IWB holster I’d want it to be versatile enough to be used without a belt. For example, when wearing gym shorts. What are your thoughts and what do you recommend in terms of product? Thanks! via /r/CCW

Different grip tapes guys. Checking out different tapes for grip and so far this Element 26 tape is doing great. It’s got some cushion and conforms easily. Grip is tons better than Glock’s little dots. I’m more form over function as you can see.What other recommendations do you have? I’m always up to try different things and see what works best for me but so far pretty happy with this one. I’m not a fan of the precut grip tapes and too cheap/incapable for stippling for now. via /r/CCW

The Worst Mistake You Can Make In A Fistfight

I am always amazed when people either turn their back in a fight, or just sit there on fiddling on their phone or looking in a different direction when someone is in their face being hostile. Get your hands up and start making space otherwise you find yourself in positions like this.

watch here

Submitted June 20, 2023 at 09:35AM by Heiny90

View from a local parade yesterday via /r/CCW

What has taught you to stay calm and level-headed in everyday life?

Throwaway here because I’ll be giving out some information and don’t want it linked back to my main account since I post and frequent this sub. Also figured this is the right place to post since most of us know you can only carry 1 thing at a time, your pride or your gun. I’ve been in the casino industry dealing blackjack, craps, roulette etc for 15 years as both a dealer and supervisor when needed. The amount of rude shit that has been said to me or things I’ve experience is more than any of you will experience in lifetimes. I am the link that parts people from their money and the person that gets all the rage channeled towards them. Over time I’ve learned to let stuff slide like water off a ducks ass. I realized that there’s no reason for me to be emotionally upset or in a rage because of some WORDS somebody said to me. It’s not worth it, they’re just words and they go in one ear and out the other. I want to become a better person and not stoop down to a level of arguing back and being disrespectful as well. All this does is simply amplify your emotions. I also have my CCW so this applies to public places too. You can’t carry around a gun with ego or pride because if you react down to their level then you can make the situation much worse. The reason I’m posting is because my girlfriend is an emotional person. She’s a server at a restaurant and gets very upset over people being rude or the things that they say. I’ve tried to teach her my methodology of how shit doesn’t upset me but she doesn’t get it. I’d like to learn what some of your methods are for being cool, calm and collected so that maybe something you share will click with her and help her become less reactive to the assholes of this world. Extra: I’ll just post it here since I know somebody is gonna ask for a story. Had a 50ish year old guy playing craps for a few hours being rude to me and my crew for hours but we’re all jaded inside so again, things don’t bother us. He loses his money, shits his pants, shakes his legs so the shit comes out of his shorts and onto the floor. Says “That’s for all of you” as he points to it on the ground and walks out before we can call security. via /r/CCW

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Concealing double today with 9mm/10mm via /r/CCW

Can I have some advice

So I'm going to branson missouri next week for vacation and am wondering if I can carry on the landing I heard they added metal detectors is this true i havent seem anything online i heard it from my friend who was just down there they dont carry any of you guys have been out that way all I just don't like the idea of being in a high populated area without my ccw on me via /r/CCW

If you see someone printing do you inform them or let it be?

I seen this guy walking into Target with his p365 1:00. Not sure if he had an extra mag. I could tell it was a 365 by the grip shape and pinky extension. He was a rather slim guy. Probably a size Medium shirt. Probably would suggest a Large given the printing. But it looked fine. I forget the color. Probably OD or FDE honestly. Anyway. Do you inform them or let it be? via /r/CCW