Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pepper spray in addition to firearm

Hopefully this will lead to a discussion that might be helpful for some people. I was recently asked why I carry pepper spray even though I have a gun now and honestly it's mostly because it's what I carried before I got a gun, but as I was answering the question I thought of a few reasons why I still think it's worth carrying:God forbid I use both my mags and still need to deal with threats, I won't be defenseless. Granted, I could carry a third mag, but it would be more weight and I'd need to buy another mag carrier.If it would be useful to arm someone else who is with me, such as my wife (until I convince her to get a gun), then I can give them the spray (especially if they're not comfortable with a gun).It gives me another option for dealing with a threat when lethal force is either not needed or not possible (such as if a guy is rolling around on the ground with my wife trying to restrain her, I can just spray them both without having to worry about shooting her on accident).If I lose my gun or am forced to give it up for some reason, I'll still have the spray. That's another reason why it's better than a third mag; if I lose my gun, a spare mag is useless, but the spray is useable on it's own.It's very cheap (less than $10), and extremely light; there's not really a downside to carrying it. via /r/CCW

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