Saturday, May 29, 2021

Four years ago, I had to draw my weapon on someone...and I still get panic attacks about it to this day

Heads up in advance, I was not charged with any crime during this incident and the officers simply took my information down after arresting the subject. The statute of limitations on any crime I could have potentailly committed have expired, thus I feel justified in posting tihs thread to assist others who may encounter a similar scenario. Again, I was cleared of any wrongdoing and allowed to leave immediately after I gave the police officers my carry permit, and my license, while keeping my hands in the air, or on the porch railing in front of me, after I informed them that I had a firearm in my right pocket. I made sure to ask them if it was OK to reach into my left pocket to get my drivers license and CCW permit before making any moves. I did not want to get shot by the police.I was out with my girlfriend at the time at a sports bar and we had grabbed some wings. I had my weapon on me. A random male came inside the restaurant, sat down at the bar, and said there was a "crazy man" outside who had followed him from another location to this location we were at. He stated he was a bouncer at a club nearby, and he had kicked the individual out of that club, and after he got off of work, the guy had followed him to the location where me and my girlfriend were at.After he stated this, we started hearing yelling from outside, and then heard things hitting the walls and windows. The individual was throwing rocks at the building. In a moment of what I consider stupidity, thinking back on this incident, the manager of the restaurant went outside to try to calm the guy down. The dude picked up an orange parking cone and smacked her in the head with it, leaving her with a cut above the bridge of her nose, of which she still has a scar today from this incident after receiving numerous stitches.After that happened, and she came back inside with her face bleeding, the "bouncer" from the other location went outside to try to confront the individual. At this time, the individual picked up a huge wooden stake (as seen in one of pictures below) and started to approach the "bouncer". This is when I first drew my weapon and told him to stop, or he was going to be shot. He actually stopped like a deer blinded by headlights, and the "bouncer" came back inside. The individual walked away, and I reholstered my weapon.At this time, I took out my phone, and tried to zoom in and take photos of the individual, and then started taking a video recording. I did not even know this recording existed until a year after this incident happened.I apparently was recording as the individual came back up and threw a brick towards me and other patrons at the restaurant, and I'm not talking about a normal brick, it was a huge damn stone, as you can see in one of the pics. As he was approaching back towards us with a large brick/stone in his hand, I informed him with some harsh language that he was going to get shot if he didn't back off. He ended up throwing the brick at us,but I was planted around a corner, so I just backed up so brick didn't hit me, or anyone else. He then said he was going to walk around and enter the back of the building. I told everyone to get inside.​​I do NOT remember why I kept telling him to "put the weapon down". I never was trained to call a brick a "weapon", but for some reason, I used that language. In the video, you can hear the individual refer to someone as a "fag" and he says "you suck dick". My girlfriend at the time told me that he kept saying "your mom is a whore", and I just kept calmly telling him "OK man, calm down". I do not remember this part at all.Here are some pictures showing the parking cone, the brick, and the huge wooden stake that he was carrying. The police and DA did not file charges against me. I considered this large wooden stake a deadly weapon when I decided to draw. Would you have done the same thing?Parking cone that he hit the manager in the face with: stake he picked up and was about to smack the "bouncer" in the back of the head with, which is when I drew my weapon: he threw at us, as you can hear in the video. You can audibly hear it land, and the manager in the background states "he just threw a brick at us":​This is not an attempt to brag. I am not showboating. This incident still haunts me to this day. I'm very lucky that I did not have to potentially take the life of another human being. I am, howver, curious on the thoughts that others here may have. via /r/CCW

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