Thursday, October 8, 2020

Why it's important to conceal your weapon

Earlier I posted a picture of someone carrying with the muzzle of their gun poking out, visible to everyone. Then everyone on here proceeded to throw a tantrum. (I was even called "Karen", which got a chuckle out of me.)Most people said that it doesn't matter because who cares? Well, we don't because we all carry guns and we're used to it. And you're right, it didn't really bother me. I was carrying my SD9VE at the time and sometimes the butt of it pokes out and I casually drape my shirt over it. It isn't a big deal to us, but it is to those who don't carry guns.And I'll say that the post I made seemed to come off like I was making fun of him, however, that wasn't my intention. I definitely should've written it better, I'll admit that. However, my intention was to point out that some people would care and make a big deal about it.If someone (let's say, a Karen) were to see that, they'd call the cops and the whole store would stop and this guy would be seen as a criminal. Had he been properly concealing his gun, it wouldn't have been an issue. "But it's hard to conceal a full-size, single stack 1911." Yeah, it is, but you still have to conceal it properly. Occasional peek of the muzzle? No big deal, it happens to me, too. A muzzle that's alway sticking out (In a state [e.g.,Florida] that prohibits open carry)? That could be a legal issue. A LEO could consider that open carry and arrest him/give him a court summons. Is it likely? Of course not. Will someone call the cops on him? Probably not. Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I suppose, as some don't care and that's fine. But I prefer to make sure no one except me knows I have a gun. But hey, that's just me.It's careless to have your piece sticking out like that, in my opinion. It could easily be interpreted as open carry and the boys in blue will show up and no one will be having fun.But if you don't care (or your state is open carry), then the point is moot and you do you. shrug​Edit: Y'all are just assholes, like damn. Yeah it's not that big a deal. But wow, everyone on here is real quick to attack and not even bother reading the whole post. And if you do and don't like it, just move on. This is why people don't like us "gun people". Someone says something slightly different from the norm or wants to bring attention to something and everyone throws a fit. If you want to educate me on something, go ahead! I'm all ears. But just saying it's "word vomit" and "no one gives a fuck" is just plain rude and not very constructive. Don't be an asshole; it's free and easy. These comments make this subreddit seem toxic when it really shouldn't be. It also makes people new to CCW avoid this subreddit because of the assholes here and I don't blame them. via /r/CCW

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