Thursday, October 29, 2020

Hiking Scenario

I have a scenario for you guys to hear what you would have done.Took my wife and dog hiking to a series of waterfalls one cold snowy day.We did our thing and hiked into the biggest waterfall there that most people come to see. The trails were dead we saw 1 or 2 other people the entire trip & we are very remote.To give a better idea of the falls the hike in is over steep rocks and they were icy and wet. It’s difficult to get in the area and once your in it’s deep water through the middle and also hard to get out quickly.So we made it and are taking pictures and all of a sudden we hear a very loud CRACK and see a rock tumble in the water.There’s a bridge over the top of the waterfall and we see 3-4 college age guys hurling large rocks down at us trying to hit us with them. Mind you the falls are probably 50 feet tall or more. They are hitting the ground near us while we’re trying to run away. But like I said it’s hard to run with the terrain and having a terrified 100 pound dog pulling you scared, and a frozen wife who doesn’t know what to do.I of course was yelling for them to stop and it was hard to see their expressions but I imagine they thought it was funny. However it easily could have seriously hurt us or killed us.It continued and I reached for my waistband and realized I didn’t have my weapon with me because that state didn’t recognize my CCW.So we moved as fast as we could out of there and they stopped throwing rocks.When I contacted the park rangers office they sent someone out very quickly but no one could locate the group.We filed a report and went on our way.In hindsight I’m torn on what I would’ve done if I had my weapon with me? Would I have shot? Would I have been to scared of the consequences to shoot? I was scared for our safety but don’t know how well it would’ve gone in court although I have no duty to retreat in my home state. All I could think of and still think of is the teenagers throwing rocks or bricks off a overpass and killing a driver. It was a unique and weird situation and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it. via /r/CCW

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