Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Is Judo a good choice for me?


I'm a 25 year old guy, I did a bit of martial arts here-and-there when I was younger, 2 years ITF Taekwon-Do, 2 years of boxing (never fought) and a year in a k1-type kickboxing club.

Gave up martial arts at 21 because I got interested in lifting and strength training. Was very skinny (5'7 and about 59kg). I'm still 5'7 unfortunately but I'm now 80kg with a little bodyfat and reasonably strong (175kg back squat 120kg bench press).

I still have a lot of muscle memory from boxing & kickboxing. I've been in 2 scuffles since (completely not my fault, I am a really chill and non-violent guy) and came out the other end without getting hurt, but am always nervous of being grabbed by someone bigger as I have no grappling experience and even though I'm quite strong I wouldn't know how to use it against a larger person.

I want to start training a martial art again and was thinking about judo.
Some people say modern judo is not as good because there's less emphasis on groundfighting and a lot of moves are banned now.
However I'm also looking for something I can stick with long-term, and judo interests me more than BJJ (just looks like I'd enjoy it more). Also feel like I know enough striking to get me by with my own training on heavy bag etc.

Sorry for long post - I guess my main question is, is modern judo still enough to "get by" in grappling for someone in my situation? Thanks

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 10:12AM by ilikelifting95

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