Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why ccw is needed

I live in NJ in a town where it is not very safe. Most of you probably know NJ is a “no issue” state (technically shall issue but impossible for ordinary people to get ccw) and doesn’t reciprocate with anyoneLast week I was at a small 2 aisle convenience store around 12:00 at night with a friend. Upon my friend checking out, 3 men entered. Something was fishy about these 3 guys being that 2 had a single arm inside their sweatshirts and 1 had a jacket being worn backwards. Immediately I remember my ccw training (non res license in Utah) and look around at my environment. There was 1 exit available at the back door where I slowly started shifting towards. Staying quiet and keeping track of where these 3 men were, 1 blocking the front door, 1 slowly trying to get to my position where he could block the back door and 1 roaming around the shop. When I saw that 1 was walking towards me I hastily shuffled past him and said “excuse me” to the man blocking the front door which he then let me through. When I left I was still waiting for my friend who was still finishing up checking out. Looking through the window waiting for my friend to come out, the body language of these men were just filled with tension.My friend finally left the store as I told him the situation. He brushed it off as me being too uptight. As we walked down the street we saw these guys coming out the store heading towards my direction which i found very suspicious as they were walking hastily and was gaining ground right towards us. I then started a light jog and made my friend follow. I turned down the first street I see so they could not get a clear view of where we went.After returning home, my friend eats what he bought. 30 minutes later we get an alert that there was an armed robbery perpetrated by 3 men with concealed handguns, exactly at the corner of the street where I turned down. With the reported time of the crime 5 minutes after my friend checked out of the storeI believe that my friend and i were the original target of the 3 men. Thankfully no one got hurt in the robbery but there have been a string of shootings weekly where i live all attributed to gang violence. I only had $6 cash at the time. If these guys picked me and my friend, who’s to say they wouldn’t be upset I only had a small sum of money on me? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/34mgutm

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