Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Recent Encounter

Hey guys,Thought I'd share an assault encounter I had today.I just moved down to Georgia a few weeks ago from NYC and have been looking to get my CCW but the county courts have been overwhelmed/understaffed due to COVID.So my wife and I went on a jog this afternoon and I'm a hundred or so feet ahead of my wife. I see a black male approaching that looks a little suspicious in my mind but for some reason I choose to let my guard down. I go out of my way to run in the grass median to give him room and as I pass by him he punches me in the back of the head. My glasses go flying into the road and I pick them up not really sure what happened. I never fell from the hit. I yell what the fuck and he calls me racial slurs (I'm Asian) and other things. At this point my wife catches up and I choose to defuse the situation and walk away. I don't know what this crazy has on him and the last thing I want to do is endanger my wife.Neither of us has phones on us so I run back to my home to get my phone and my car so I can swing around and see if he's still around. I have no intention of engaging with this guy but I bring my Smith and Wesson M&P with me just in case. (In GA you are allowed to carry in your car). The whole time I have it hidden but within reach.I see the guy sitting at a bus stop so I pull into a parking lot behind him and call the cops (he can't see me). I give the description and situation. It takes the cops around 10 mins to get there and they arrived 3-4 mins after the guy got on the bus and left. Of course I tell the cops what happened and there's not much they can do except make a report. I'm actually surprised they don't think it's a hate crime (prob bc it's against an Asian.. but that's another matter).All of this got me to thinking about carrying while jogging. I wouldn't have drawn in this situation even if I had a CCW and I think things went as well as they could (my wife's safety was my top priority).Do most of you runners carry while running? If so, what setup? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/30A5hnW

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