Monday, October 5, 2020

If You Ever Find Yourself Being Robbed at Gunpoint, Abducted or Otherwise....

If you are ever being kidnapped, even at gunpoint, kick, scream, dig your nails in (to collect DNA and alert pedestrians around you) and most importantly, fight back as much as possible. Make as big of a scene as humanly possible.
Statistically 9 times out of 10 a person pointing a gun at you (given it is not a home invader) has no intent on firing their weapon.
If you are ever forced to drive at gunpoint stay calm but never go to the location where they tell you to go. Follow their directions and as naturally as possible crash your vehicle, preferably into another car if possible or a light post going just fast enough to make your vehicle unable to drive any further.
If you are ever being raped and have no real way of overtaking the victim it is best (sadly) to go limp. This helps in two ways.
1. You are saving yourself the potential to be badly wounded or possibly killed.

  1. Some men rape for the screaming, crying and begging for you to stop... hardcore BDSM and all that...

If you are standing it is a good rule of thumb to try to "out crazy" your attacker in any self defense scenario. For example, a 4' 11" female friend of mine found herself being choked against a wall. When the attacker released her he went and grabbed a knife, she ran at him like a rabid dog with no fear. This scared the attacker into leaving. It should be noted that because he released his grip on her throat that he had no real intent on killing her. If you are convinced that that weapon is there to mortally wound you, get as far away as humanly possible.
If you ever find yourself in a "seedy neighborhood" stand your ground. Act like you own the place, like you belong there. Don't clutch your pearls or look intimidated. Predators can smell fear. If you are ever being robbed at gunpoint or with any other weapon at close range just give up your belongings unless you are confident beyond a reasonable doubt that you can properly disarm the attacker.

While realistically you should always run from an attacker with a knife and if possible rush at an attacker with a gun grabbing at the firearm or the wrist if you cannot run or hide making the person think you are willing to die trying to save your life in an absurd archaic, anamalistic manor may very well be your best option, given you can approach the person with absolutely no fear. Full on fight adrenaline is necessary for this method to work.

Submitted October 05, 2020 at 07:00AM by TSSLRocksandPins

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