Sunday, October 11, 2020

First time DGU.

This happened a few days ago. To set the scene, I live between two duplexes(multi-family home's, apartments?) that have people come and go occasionally, sometimes bringing animals that aren't usually around. I got home from work, and went in to grab the dogs. I had my small 20lb dog on the leash, gf had the larger dog.We walked out into the yard, and I noticed that the neighbor had a rottweiler tethered on a rope to a satellite dish, at the border of our yards. Almost as soon as I noticed it, the dog had managed to snap the rope (wasn't wearing a collar, the rope was just latched to itself.) It crossed the yard to me in almost no time at all. My gf ran the other dog inside immediately.I began backpedaling towards the door while placing myself between my dog and the neighbor's, kicking him as I moved. He ran circles around me, lunging and snapping at me. I carry OC spray, so while moving backwards I went for the spray and sprayed him directly in the face. It didn't phase him. My GF had returned outside and was throwing plant pots at him.As I neared the door, he managed to grab my dog by the rear. At that moment, I drew my glock 43x from my IWB holster and fired once, striking it in the chest. My gf took my dog inside, and the rottweiler ran away, and I began dialing 911. The male neighbor who owned the dog heard the commotion (gunshot) and came out first - he seemed to realize exactly what happened, and came and asked if me and my dog were ok. While he was talking to us, I could see his dog behind him throwing up blood.Another women who lived there came out and began screeching that I had killed their dog, it wasn't fair, etc. She yelled that she would kill me and my GF for this. I refused to speak to either of them while waiting for the police. The dispatcher asked where the firearm was, I told her that I was placing it in the house and wouldn't be armed when they arrived. The dog stopped moving before cops arrived.From here, responding officers arrived calmly without their weapons drawn. They took my statement and my gfs, ran my ccw permit/ID/serial number, found the casing, took pics of the gun, my dog, and a mark on the sidewalk where my OC spray splashed. They told me that I wouldn't be facing any charges, and they weren't taking my gun seeing as no crime was committed and they believed me to be in the right for defending myself/dog.TL;DR - Rottweiler got loose and attacked my dog in my yard. Tried kicking and pepper spray before finally shooting.Some personal notes; I have ordered security cameras and spotlights as a result of the threat from the neighbor. I believe that her threats initially were due to misguided anger; when she came out of the house, the dog had made its way back to their yard. She thought I shot it on their property for some reason, and was yelling this to the first officer to respond. I'm hopeful that she has come to realize that wasn't the case, but I'm not holding my breath.I am glad I've spent so much time training with my firearm, drawing, and dry firing. I will add, I wish I had trained some with firing one handed. Typically I train as though I will empty my hands before drawing. This wasn't an option in this case, if I had dropped the leash then both dogs could have outrun me and I wouldn't have been able to stop the other dog from killing mine. Given the extreme close distance, I was able to fire accurately one handed.P.S. Minus some vet bills, painkillers, and antibiotics, my pup should be alright. via /r/CCW

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