Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Do I need to adjust my grip? (Unsure of flair)

So to preface how I got where I am, I am a 60% right handed person who shoots left handed, because I am left eye dominant. My dad noticed this when I was young, so he just taught me to shoot rifles (the only stuff we had) with my left. And since I play sports right handed, it's my stronger arm, making holding the rifle/ using it as my recoil control on a handgun even easier.So when I started learning handguns, I shot left handed because that's what felt natural. I learned to do the traditional two thumbs forward grip, but what got lost in translation is that I needed to put my left hand on first.Which leads to my question: do I need to relearn my grip so it's more similar to everyone else, or will it be okay to keep going the way that I am? I don't have an issue with accuracy, and recoil is pretty easy to manage because my stronger right hand is directly on the gun, not just on my left hand. Is this something that will impede my progress and needs changing, or will I be okay to keep going the way I am? And since Im assuming I will have to change, are there any videos/ other resources that explain how to make it feel comfortable? via /r/CCW

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